Bonus 10

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This is not necessarily a chapter but it is a question and answer session for the members of the Miller family and the author which is me so enjoy.

(Round of applause as the Miller family come on stage. Dylan walks in first with Hazel at his side, Nolan comes next with Alvin at his side, Chris and Derek made faces at the audience as they came on. Luke had a bored expression on his face and Rose was typing furiously on her phone).

Host: hey, everyone I'm your host, Lauren. It's amazing to have the Miller family with us and now we'll like to invite the author that gave us a very wonderful book. (Round of applause as the author walks on stage).

Author: it's good to see you again Lauren.

Lauren: Like wise, so let's start by asking the author. How old are you?

Author: just turned 16, I'm born in January.

Lauren: that's amazing, Dylan, what does it feel like to be very successful at this young age?

Dylan: (chuckles and smiles) it feels great, it took a lot of hard work to get to where I am today.

Lauren: who was your greatest support?

Dylan:(turns to Hazel and smiles) she was my greatest inspiration and support.

Lauren: thanks for that, this is for the author. What inspired you to write the book Broken that is loved by so many people?

Author: I don't really know but looking at other people's books, I was really inspired to write what was on my mind and I wanted it to be different from what others have been writing and it turned out good.

Lauren: what does it take to come out with a book that is very good and has a good number of reads?

Author: it takes a lot of hard work. If you aren't willing to take your time to think and write it won't come out good. I wrote my book Broken, 5 different times on paper before I came up with a perfect story. Also be ready to make mistakes and take corrections from other people to become better.

Lauren: you're always an inspiration to me. Luke, what are your hopes for the future?

Luke:(rolls his eyes) in hope to become the most successful cardiac surgeon in the country.

Lauren:(laughs) well, i guess Luke gonna be saving some hearts soon. ( laughter from the audeince). Moving to our football stars, Chris and Derek, do hope to play football in the university?
Chris:(grins) we hope too, we've got some scouts watching us now from ivy league schools.

Derek: I'm so excited for it.

Lauren: that's amazing guys. OK, this one goes to the author. You're in high school right?
(Author nods) what year exactly?

Author: I'm in my Junior year and will soon be a senior.

Lauren:what's your real name?

Author:( chuckles) ill let you guys guess.

Lauren: (laughs) fine we'll let the audience guess. Rose?

(Rose looks up from her phone with an annoyed look)

How do you feel being the only girl in the family?

Rose:(rolls her eyes) it's the most annoying thing that has happened to me and the author is to blame. (Author laughs).

Lauren: wonderful. Nolan, you seem pretty chill any ladies? (Nolan blushes and the audience laughs).

Nolan: not yet but soon.

Lauren: Thank you guys for joining us. It was really amazing.

Dylan: it was nice meeting you too.

Author: thanks for having me.
(Audience claps as they walk off the stage).

Thanks a lot guys for following me on this journey and we have arrived at the last chapter. I'm seriously excited cause this is the first book, I've ever finished.

Thanks a lot for your support for this book. Show that support to my second book too Eva Black.

The first person to guess my real name gets a shout out if you have a book and a permanent follow.

Hint: it ends with two vowels.

Low you guys. Peace out.

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