Maurice's Escape

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Chapter Three

Maurice's Escape

The following morning, Hermione went about her normal routine. She said hello to Monica Wilkins, who offered her a cup of coffee. Monica was always up earliest and usually reading the local muggle paper.

It was in moments like this, Hermione could almost pretend things were back to normal. Her mum had started every morning with a cup of coffee and the newspaper, just like Monica.

"Did you see this article about the snow yesterday?" Monica asked from across the table.

Hermione paused, trying to decide how to answer. She didn't want to draw any undue attention to the wizarding world. She added a lump of sugar to her coffee and replied casually, "No, how unusual. It must have melted before any of us went out."

Monica looked uncertain, as though the answer to this peculiar riddle was just outside of her grasp. Her expression made Hermione exceedingly nervous. She could see Monica was trying to break through the memory charms. It was what Hermione wanted. But, she was terrified her mom's mind would crumble, just like her father's.

Finally, Monica furrowed her brow and said, "Perhaps so."

Hermione quickly changed the subject. "The housekeeper is running a bit late this morning. She's due in half an hour."

"It's no trouble. You know, I can watch him myself," her voice shook.

Hermione lay a hand on top of Monica's. "I know. But we need the extra help around the house anyway—cleaning, gardening, and cooking. Maurice is only a small part of her duties."

Monica didn't fall for this lie but nodded tearfully. She couldn't understand what had caused such a rapid deterioration in her husband. Alzheimers Disease the doctor had said. But there had been no signs and no warnings.

Unfortunately, her parents weren't Hermione's biggest worry this morning. She was still thinking about the Weasleys. She hadn't heard back from Ron yet. She knew owl post wasn't the fastest mode of communication, but she felt she should have heard something by now.

She drained the rest of her cup of coffee.

"Off to work?" Monica asked, fixing a small smile on her lips.

Hermione nodded. "Sure am. Anything you need while I'm out?"

Monica shook her head, and Hermione thanked her for the coffee and headed out the door. She walked down the drive a suitable distance before apparating to the ministry. The last thing she needed was Monica seeing her vanish in thin air.

The Ministry was busy as always. Its marble floors freshly polished and reflecting the silhouettes of important witches and wizards on the go. Hermione made her way to the elevator and took it all the way down to the basement.

"Level -10, Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office," began the droning recording.

She stepped off and headed down the hall to the left. Finally, she arrived in a small, messy office with two desks. She stood in the doorway. Relief flooding her chest. Mr. Weasley was leaned over his desk, prodding something with a quill. He was safe.

She knocked on the open office door, and he looked up.

"Oh hello, Hermione! What excellent timing! I was just having a look at this strange muggle item. Can you identify it?"

She walked over to get a better look at the item. "It's a Twinkie, Mr. Weasley. A muggle sweet. Very bad for your teeth, of course."

"Ah, very interesting." He shouted across to the only other employee in the department, a younger man in his 30s. "You owe me lunch, McMillan. I told you it was some sort of food."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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