Chapter 14

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Maebelle Evans was at her desk in the middle of August. She was trying to sort out her thoughts. "Mom has been getting nauseous a lot recently... is she okay...?" The raven haired girl mumbled before writing that down on a piece of paper. "Let's see... nausea..."

"Hmm... she's also unusually tired... yeah, she's been tired before, but this is weird..." she whispered, before writing it down, "and she's been getting pretty upset, either with me, my siblings, or dad, even if we don't do anything... wait-" "If you were to have another sibling what would you want to name them." She remembered what Lloyd had asked her and her mind went blank. "...I might actually kill him..." she whispered, cracking the pencil she was holding in half, mainly thanks to her adrenaline. HOW DID THAT FLY OVER MY HEAD, AND HOW DID HE KNOW?! The girl thought.

Maebelle took a deep breath, she needed to calm down. There might be a logical answer for this, but right now she needs sleep. "What time is it?" She mumbled before looking at her alarm clock. It looked to be around ten at night. She'll ask Lloyd about it tomorrow, because of course there had to be some kind of sensible explanation... right?


"HEY! OPEN UP!" Mae yelled, banging at Lloyd's door.

"This doesn't seem good..." and I think this is the loudest I've heard her yell. Lloyd got up, stretched his arms and back, put on his face mask, unlocked and opened the door. "What did I do now?"

"You- umpf-" Even though I've seen it at least one hundred times. Whenever I see his messy whisper white hair, it's still... interesting... to look at... she thought, glancing away, a small blush on her face. NO! MAEBELLE! NOT THE TIME!

The blue eyed girl looked back at him and her expression turned from embarrassed to serious. "I have a question, but I feel it's better we talk inside about it."

Damn, this is the most serious expression she's ever given me... it gives me chills... The male thought. "Alright. Come on in." The man said moving out of the doorway and closing the door once she was inside.

After that, Lloyd sat on his bed, and Mae sat on one of the chairs. "My mom... she's pregnant. You knew about that, right?" The female asked. Lloyd stayed quiet for a few minutes. "Lloyd?"

"Yeah, I knew. I guess it's weird for me to know before you, huh?" The green eyed male said.

"Yeah... Now, I have another question. How did you know before me?" Mae asked.

"That I can't tell you." The male answered.

"Huh?!" The girl inquired.

"I said, I can't answer that question." The male said with a shrug. I know this is me being selfish, but I don't want to tell her about how I met up with Makayla... how her family's lives are in danger... how she is in danger.

"But it's my mother!" She yelled. "Cassandra Evans is MY mom!"

He froze. Huh? Wait... That's it...! When I first met Mae...! That last name... Evans and black hair!

He seemed to freeze when I said mom's name...? Mae paused. "Lloyd...? S-Sorry, d-did I say something I shouldn't have...?" The girl asked. "I'm...sorry...?" there was a look of guilt on her face.

"No... this'll be a weird thing to ask, but can you repeat your mother's first name again? I don't think I ever asked it." The whisper white haired male said.

"Um... sure... it's Cassandra..." The young woman answered. "...Why?" The raven haired female asked, she looked a little confused.

"Thought as much... and you said your mom is a nurse, right?" Lloyd questioned.

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