Oil up those sticky keys

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******sometimes I hate this app!!! I have been trying to publish for hours!  Anyway it's up!

Again we have smut!  I saved one more smutty spanking one for another day because I need to let my dirty mind roam freely.  Maybe a one shot chapter.  I need it to be on its own lol!  Enjoy!

Unable to escape her scent, the sound of her moans, her face, Kid spent the afternoon drinking.  He couldn't leave Stella now that they were days away from the ritual.  Marie has already made contact more than once.  She has been in both his trailer and Alistair's mansion.  Marie's motives were not to be trusted, and Darla confirmed it.

Kid worried that even though Alistair was able to confront his feelings, let Stella in, there was still a chance of him hurting her.  He thought of how he hurt Tabitha, promising her forever only to shatter her as soon as Marie returned.  Marie had a hold on him, he was a loop in her chain.

He wandered the estate's gardens, shutting off his mind from Stella.  He didn't want to hear her moaning for his brother.  He desperately wanted to tell Stella why he felt so connected to her, so pulled towards her, but he couldn't risk his life and Alistair's fate now that the curse has been restored.  Kid's life was literally on the line.   

He leaned against the gazebo looking up at his brother's window, the lights were on as the sun was setting.  He couldn't get the thought of her and him out of his head.  He furrowed his brows, narrowing his eyes watching the sunset.  The golden lights cascading warm shadows onto his tousled long hair, highlighting lighter shades through his beard.  Drinking his misery away did not suffice. Kid needed something stronger, a momentary synergy to escape Stella and Alistair. 

He was now sitting in his room staring down nostalgia.  He's been here before, he danced with it in the devil's lair.  In the 20's he did much worse than this, but in the 70's this drove him wild, it revved him too high. Looking at the white lines on his table, he sighed running his hand through his hair, his hand scratching his head.  He ran his hand down his mouth scratching at his beard.

"Baby don't do it."  Darla's voice begged near him.  He felt her hand on his shoulder.  He knew she was an apparition, but she was one he couldn't forget.  She found him, broken, alone, spiraling in the 80's and pulled him out of the darkness.

"Kid."  She moved across the table and stood facing him.  She always came back to him as her younger self, the day her met her.  She looked worried.

"I know it hurts now, but when the ritual is over, you don't know what their future holds." 

"Why do I feel connected to her this way?" He furrowed his brows shaking his head slowly gazing to the floor.  "How can you fall for someone before meeting them??"

Darla pressed her lips down into a soft smile.  "We do it all the time.  Remember my crush on Johnny Depp?"  She chuckled.   Kid's lips curved into a half smile before it faded. 

She continued. "Sometimes we see fragments of someone else's life and we don't get to be with them----- so we piece them together based on what we want to see, and it consumes us."  She sat down smiling at him.

"But with you and Stella---her entire life played in the visions I gave you from Tabitha.  She was like a feature running on your dream reel."

Darla looked down at the table, then back to him. "You're connected to Stella through the coven. When Tabitha cursed Alistair, she had to balance it out.  Spells need a balance. And the balance in this was true love, The One.  And she showed me those visions of her coming into Alistair's life so I can show you---because you are meant to protect Stella.  You're connected to her too.  And deep down Stella feels something for you."

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