Chapter 7 Reuniting

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ok so i had a comment :) now i will put your idea (nicolleteblond) into my next chapter but this is one i thought will be a good one till iv finished the next chapter, please comment, favourite and follow me - I know I get annoyed when people say that to but pls do XD. ENJOY xx

As I sit with Beth on the sofa drinking, water for me and Pepsi for her, she has always hated water. Anyway as we talk about everything that has happened through the years we have been apart, about why I left, what trouble she'd been in, i even talked about Valentine and Johnathan. Everything. While Jace sat in the corner watching us, completely silent but with a half smile the whole time looking at me. "Looks like he really cares about you" Beth said smiling and looking at me then Jace then back again,

"I guess he really does" I say smiling and looking at Jace while talking to Beth. All of a sudden there was some knocking at the door, a lot of knocking, it wouldn't stop till Beth answered, I started feeling suspicious, that whoever was there was dangerous, but when Beth opened the door two bright blond twins walked in... practically running in, gibbering to Beth about pointless things, I managed to hear something about a game but some funny things I admit. They stopped talking when they noticed Jace sitting in the corner (they were facing Jace and had their back to me),

"We didn't think he would be here, you didn't tell us he would be" one says, called Mia. I can't believe that their here. Mia and Talia. I haven't seen them for as long as Beth, they were my other best friends, but would they remember me after all this time? As Talia turned to look at Jace she caught sight of me sitting on the couch, and like Beth had a moment of confusion written on her face but after a few moments recognition dawned,

"Oh hell, (y/n)!? is that really you?" Talia asks getting Mia's attention and pointing to me,

"Hay Tal, hay Mia. yes its really me, long time no see" I say smiling, slightly nervously, standing while holding my arms out waiting, hoping for a hug from my best friends, they ran into me, hugging me back screaming with happiness,

"Hey! let me in!" Beth yelled over our voices and jumped on top of me, making all four of us fall to the floor laughing and hugging, no tears, come on we're shadow hunters, we don't cry.

"where the hell have you been (y/n)!? why didn't you call us or something?" Mia asks sounding slightly annoyed at me

"erm... its kinda a long story, I'll tell you if your up for it" I said, they simultaneously nodded, so me, Mia, Talia and Bethany all sat on the sofa and the chairs, then I told the whole truth of what I went through with Valentine, about why I had to leave them, where I went and everything else. After I said everything, I sighed big in relief as a huge weight was lifted of my shoulders, as if not telling my three most closest friends what I suffered was weighing me down. We all talked for a good 2 hours straight but it was already late when we get there so it was now about 2am, time to get home.. not the institute, damn I really needed to stop calling the institute home, although I have started to feel like it was my home, it had a welcoming felling about it... and Jace was there. I couldn't leave him, not now after tonight, I'd just have to get used to spending a lot more time with him.

Thanks for reading my story!! I will update when I can :D love you lots xx two more comments for an update

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