Chapter Three: The First Misadventure

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Hello, lovely readers! Someone pointed out in the last chapter that Estel is one of Aragorn's aliases—so, actually, that's kind of a funny story, lol. Basically, when I was researching some names for Estel, I could not for the LIFE of me figure out where I'd seen that name in the LOTR legendarium. Especially in relation to Aragorn and Arwen. I thought I might've seen from their lines in the movies, or maybe their daughters' names, but then I couldn't find any record of them anywhere. In the end, I literally physically shrugged and decided to go with it lol.

"The child" is Estel in my head now, so it's too late to change that, but I thought you guys might be amused to hear the story behind it! We can just pretend that naming her Estel was tooootally the greatest stroke of creative genius in the twenty-first century lol.

Fun fact: I actually hate naming characters for this reason (among many), it's my least favorite part of writing. Lol.

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To Galion's great dismay, he and Legolas did not return to Rivendell for many months following their last visit. Legolas, being well-versed in all manner of diplomatic missions, tried to warn his companion that his ascension in his father's court may preclude him at times from visiting for large intervals.

Another nine months had gone by since their last visit to Rivendell, and the first touches of spring had rounded back into the valley. During their absence, the emissary had learned to draft and edit all manner of documents of state, as well as mediate negotiations. Their visit this time around was more of a leisurely one, but Lord Elrond had agreed to mentor him a bit throughout their stay.

This was where Galion was at the moment. Legolas, in turn, had been wiled away to yet another divan on one of the higher levels of Imladris. With a book in his hand and empty cup of tea on the neighboring coffee table, he laid back and closed his eyes to the sound of waterfalls throughout the valley. Was there a place in all of Middle Earth that was more peaceful than Rivendell? It was no wonder that Glorfindel had chosen to stay here permanently—the architectural work of the elves was masterful. Elrond's house was the absolute picture of tranquility and light.

A light breeze brushed over his hair and face, gently pushing him further into the state of absolute contentment. With the book in his hands and pot of tea at his side, Legolas knew that this was true happiness—the profound state of being at peace with everything in the world, rather than the wild and temporary sensations of joy and celebration that were often mistaken for happiness.

He must have slept for hours before Galion arrived to join him for tea, though it had gone cold at some point while he had dozed off.

Galion sat on one of the two chairs situated across the coffee table. In good humor, Legolas did not move from his spot on the divan. "How was the lesson?" he asked.

His friend looked tired but welcoming of conversation. "I find myself wondering whether Lord Elrond once sat and memorized all the laws of Middle Earth for fun," he said, and Legolas laughed. "How is it that he knows the laws of Gondor and Rohan in such excruciating detail? I doubt even their own people can match his knowledge."

"Perhaps not," Legolas said. "After all, there is a reason all the lands look to him so. There is no greater authority—not even my father, I daresay."

Galion's eyes widened with amusement. "He would be most displeased to hear you say that."

At that moment, a flash of movement caught both their attentions, drawing it up to one of the bridges hovering not far from where they were.

Galion pointed to it. "Did you see that?"

Foliage grew all over Rivendell, but whatever had darted across that bridge had now jumped into the bushes.

Tokens for a Prince (A Legolas Romance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن