"If you go on a date with me"

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Marinette Pov:

I was crying on my bed over the pictures of me and Adrien when I heard the loud rumbles outside. At that moment I honestly couldn't care less, I covered my face with my pillow screaming into it.

"Marinette, you gotta transform!" Tikki warned me.
"I don't care anymore! I'm obviously not good enough! Even Adrien broke up with me through a text instead of talking face to face. Probably because he knew I'm not worth it!" I sobbed louder into the pillow. Adrien... dumped me over a text for Kagami. Like seriously, the same day he dumped me he was posting pics with her!
"Don't talk like that Marinette! That is not the Ladybug I know," Tikki spoke gently but with iron in her voice, "anyway you've got to try. That is what you are best at, trying again and again even when you fall down."

I looked into Tikki's beautiful eyes... I really don't deserve her.
I sighed, "you're right let's look at the news."

As we watched the news figuring out the best way to defeat the villain I realised we would need to use the mouse miraculous. I wondered who would make a good ally when I saw Alya dangerously close to the villain filming it. OMG that girl kills me! There was no time to think, she was in danger! I grabbed the mouse miraculous and transformed, obviously I couldn't be Ladybug as well or Cat Noir would find out.

I ran over to the villain, Cat Noir didn't come this time, and defeated the villain. Lots of people were standing by watching this new Superhero, they cheered me on and clapped for me. I went over to Nadia, did a silly little bow and introduced myself as Multimouse to the camera. Then I ran off into a dark ally. I then detransformed and then transformed into Ladybug to quickly grab the akuma. Back to the dark ally, I detransformed and put the mouse miraculous back in the box.

"Marinette?" I turned around fast as lightning. Preparing myself for the worst, trying to think up an excuse. Then I saw who it was.

"Huh... Luka?" he stared at me a little worried.
"Are you ok?" he asked genuinly.
"Ummmmmm..." I was gonna die, I was gonna die.
He put his gentle hands on my shoulders, "Marinette I know you're Multimouse."
Huh? He didn't think I was Ladybug.
"Uh yeah... yep that is right. Uh-huh. Completly absolutely. 100%. You're correct! hahaha," I tried not to look suspicious, "please don't tell anyone."
"Of course I won't... if you go on a date with me."
"Wait! What?!!!"

Authors note:
Hi guys. I'm sorry this is so bad. It is my first work so constructive criticsm is welcome. Thank you for reading this! Have a nice day!
Picture shared by @MarvelousGirl94

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