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We both sat in an awkward silence. I glanced over at Mattia. His eyes were fixed on the road, his jaw clenched. I frowned my eyebrows and turned around facing him again.

"So, are you going to tell me now?" I said in a demanding voice. If he thinks I'm okay with this he's wrong. "Not yet." He replied shortly. I started getting mad and snapped at him.

"Listen here you asshole, you better get me home right now or else-"

" Or else what?" He looked over at me. I opened my mouth as if I was about to say something but I closed them not long after. I crossed my arms and turned my back on him. He let out a sigh.

" Look.. I can't tell you much, at least not yet. The only thing you have to know is that they worked for me. They're known for fucking up but they took it too far this time. They were loose ends. I had to get rid off them sooner or later. This was just a perfect chance."
" H-how can you say that!? You're talking so casually, I saw you with the gun. This wasnt your first time, was it? And you don't even regret it."

" You should be fucking thanking me for saving your ass back there. Don't think for a second I did it just to save you though. As I said, I would have gotten rid of them either way. You just made it easier. "

" Fuck you. " I looked over to him but instantly regretted what I said. He pulled the car over, grabbed me by the neck and whispered in my ear.

" Watch your tone with me. You don't wanna get on my bad side. I wouldn't hesitate to eliminate you as well. " By the time he let go off me, I rubbed my neck and watched him with fear in my eyes. I know he's dangerous, but would he actually do it?

He started the car and I didn't dare to look at his direction again, but I could feel his eyes traveling up and down on me every now and then.
We stopped in front of a luxurious building, I suppose that's where he lived. He must be really rich to afford something like that.

"You'll be staying with me for a while, at least until I figure out what to do next." I nodded and we got out of the car. He led me to his penthouse. When we entered, I saw a woman sitting in the living room.

" Mio Tesoro, where the hell have you been?" She instantly threw herself in Mattia's embrace, wrapping her hands around his neck. He didn't hug her back. Actually, he pushed her off giving her a death glare.

"None of your business. Meet Alvah. She'll be staying here until I say so."

She turned around and looked over at me. If looks could kill, I think I would have been already dead. " Why's she here?" She hissed through her teeth. I didn't like her attitude, so I put on my resting bitch face to show her she wasn't scaring me.

" It doesn't matter. Get out, Sofia. I don't have time for this."

" You weren't saying that last night, remember?" She winked at him licking her lips.

" Get. The. Fuck. Out." It looked like he started losing patience with her. I could see it on her face she was afraid of him. She put her hand over her mouth and ran past us, slamming the door. " Make yourself at home, I guess." He said while pouring a glass of whiskey. I didn't even notice my dress that was stained in blood. " Where's the bathroom?" I think I was about to throw up. "Down the hall, on the right. You best take a shower. I'll leave you some clothes of mine later."

I sprinted to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and got into the shower. I let the water wash away the blood. I wasn't sure why I didn't try to run away and save myself. For god's sake I was stuck with a killer. Killing people is what he does. Who is he? The question kept replying itself in my head. I got out of the shower.

"Here's the clothes. I only had a hoodie and a pair of boxers." I saw Mattia enter the bathroom and I froze. I was staring at him in shock forgetting I was completely naked. I quickly wrapped a towel around me and screamed.


" Have you ever heard of locking the door?" He said smirking. " Don't worry, nothing I haven't seen before."

"You're an asshole." I watched him laugh at my reaction. " Never claimed I wasn't." He placed the clothes on a chair and left. I started swearing wanting to punch him so bad. I rolled my eyes and put on his clothes inxaling his smell. " Vanilla.. Not bad." I thought as I left the bathroom.

Mattia's Pov:

I was lying when I said she's nothing I haven't seen before. I know it was wrong to stare at her like that but I couldn't help it. The water dripping off her body, her sun kissed skin. I watched her stand in shock, quickly grabbing the towel wrapping it around her petite waist. I took a moment to admire her beautiful face. Her brown hair falling down to her shoulders. The light reflecting in her honey eyes. I barely managed to contain myself before I did something I shouldn't. She was so cute I couldn't help but smile.

Damn, she hasn't been here for more than half an hour and she's already driving me crazy. Looks like I'm in trouble.

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