Water and triangle kimbaps

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Andrew POV:

EKJ entertainment. After getting kicked out and another 5 fails of auditions, I finally passed the auditions and today is the day I move into my dorm. I scanned my thumb and was greeted by my best friend, Rynn who had already debuted in N-gen.

"Andrew! sup man! wow did you gain weight?"
"Fuck you" I replied and proceeded to the front desk lady
"Hi, uh I was looking for room 420?" I asked politely
"Building 4, level 2, it's the first room-"
"Dude" Roze exclaimed and the others followed behind her
"Andrew!" Lucy exclaimed "what the fuck are you doing here?"
"I'm now a trainee here, sup sunbae" I greeted
"Oh, it was nice meeting you, but we have a schedule now" Lily said gathering her things from her manager "we'll see you around"

and in a blink of an eye, they were already driving away in their van, I began down the hall to exit the main building into the courtyard where it lead to the 4 dorm buildings, why are all the labels spray painted over?

"May I help you-"

as soon as I turned around.

"Courtney?" I asked
"what are you doing here dude?" she asked, same as Lucy
"I'm a trainee here again" I smiled
"I guess you tried out so much, they finally let you in" she said
"anyways I'm looking for building 4, which one is that?"
"wow" she gasped
"You're the first person to live in that building, it just got built" She replied pointing at the best looking building
"Have fun dude, I have a schedule with Purefinite right now" She waved and also disappeared, does working here make you like 10 times faster than normal?

these new dorm building things are so weird. I entered the 4th building and saw the elevator was still under construction. I turned to my left and saw some stairs, I do need a bit of exercise today anyways. I was about to open my door until I heard somebody fall, why was somebody in my room? Is it a construction worker? I opened it slightly and peered in it, there was a girl dancing but kept on tripping over her ankle because the transition was too difficult.

"Here, just um-" I said walking up to her trying to help
she saw me and got scared and darted out of my room. Weird, Hey cool, I have a mirror for a wall. I started to freestyle a bit and the girl was peeking her head through the door, she pointed at her bag and I picked it up and walked over to her, but she just backed away. I then bent down and slid it over to her and she grabbed it and ran away. Weird. I closed the door and locked my belongings in my closet, since this room has no door knob put in yet. How lame.

kat: babe, where are you?
me: coming

i replied via text message and began downstairs. Kat was my girlfriend back in another entertainment I trained in, FCN entertainment. We met up at a cafe that we used to have dates at, after practice.

"Hey-" She happily greeted "You little fuck hows it been?"
"Good" I cheesily smiled "I'm excited to train again and lose all this weight"
"Oppa do you have money?" She asked
"Yes" I replied
Buy me some dessert oh my gosh!" She exclaimed

the first month of being a trainee is fun until you lose all your extra money and your parents don't send you any money, oversea trainees get crazy over a little extra cash. After I bought her some extra dessert and a couple drinks, she had to leave for a last minute trainee gathering. We hugged and went our ways, on my way back to my dorm until I heard more ruffling, this time I got in and closed the door right away.

"Who are you? And why do you keep going into my room?"
"I'm sorry... I'll leave" The girl said
"No seriously, who are you? Are you a trainee? whats your name? why do you come here?"
"Why do you have so many questions?" She shot back "Look, just let me leave"
"Are you going to come back later when I'm gone?" I asked
she stayed silent so I take that as a yes
"If we're going to be running to each other like this all the time, lets at least get to know each other" I suggested
"You're probably going to get a doorknob soon anyways, it's pointless" She replied and tried to get through me.
"Why don't you practice in the other training rooms like the other trainees?" I asked, but no reply "Turn that on" I said pointing at her phone.
she didn't hesitate and did so.

Collaboration (Tiffandrew Fanfic) by CourtneyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt