Jaw dropping

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As people set up the studio, Tiffany began to make small chat as if she forgot the whole running off stage and crying, and her dad thing.

"Are people still accusing you of plastic surgery on AOK?" I asked
"Um- let's not talk about that. How about you and Rynn on WGM how is that? I heard WGM is fun, at least that's what they say"
"WGM is pretty cruel" I said "forcing skinship isn't really my thing"
"You guys know that you two are like the new Jackji of this generation right?"
"I've heard, but we're seriously just Best friends-"
"That's what they SAID and they're married and have a kid now too, odd how they named their girl Jackji.."
"Wowowow, the chances of me and Rynn being together are smaller than the chances of a piranha taking off my toenail" I said "we've gotten really awkward off camera..."
"Oh, that sucks.."
"Studio is ready" the staff said and took their leave

"So what song are we exactly doing?"
"They gave us 3 songs including a demo, let's take a listen to it all" she suggested

"I don't like any of them" I said tossing my earphones to the side and stretching backwards
"I thought, 'wallpaper' was a good song though" she said
"No it wasn't" I replied
"Then how are we going to pick?" She replied
"I know a song" I said
"You composed one?" She asked
"The one you were going to sing at the festival, but you backed out" I said "I memorize all the words and we even created a choreography, we can tweak it a bit to make it a duet choreo"
"Can we not?" Tiffany asked
"Why not?" I said
"Because.. I don't want to do that song..." She replied
"What happened that day?" I asked "what's with you and your dad?"
"I really don't want to talk about it..." She said
"When will you ever talk about it!?" I said a bit too loud
"Because it's personal! It makes me uncomfortable and I-"
"You were the one who forced me to tell my little secret" I shot
"Because it's Better to let it all out! Don't compress it-"
"Then let it all out" I suggested

She stared at me intently and she had a lot of pain in her eyes.

"I-I want to... But I can't" she said "I actually have a schedule right now for OBVN... Now if you'll excuse me...." She said and bolted out of the studio, I grabbed the lyric sheets and emailed myself the copy of the demos and exited the studio, it wouldn't hurt to look around?

I walked to the courtyard and walked to the 4th building, it was pretty empty mostly because all the kids were in the practice rooms right now. My doorknobless room still had no doorknob, in fact nobody even lived in this room. I went over to the cabinet and picked out the smallest key from my keychain opening the cabinet. Inside was an old MP3 player, mini beats, and two pieces of paper. This is the song.

The next day it was mandatory for me to go to EKJ for the next couple weeks in order to prepare the duet, I happily sat in the recording studio waiting for tiffany to arrive.

She walked in and greeted me "hey, sorry about yesterday, but have you picked a song yet?"
"Yup" I smiled passing her the lyrics

She happily smiled looking over it but her smile slowly disappeared as she kept reading.

"Where did you get this?" She asked
"I guess you still go to my old room sometimes" I smiled "I remade the instrumental, so let's start recording now"
"Andrew, I really do not want to do this song?" She said "please"
"If you can't tell me what's going on, this is the least you can do" I said "here, I'll record first, don't worry you put 3 long high notes in here, I gave you one but it's the longest one"
"You take all the high notes... I don't sing like I used to anymore...." She said

one week later was time to shoot the music video, it was tiring because we had 3 dance scenes and 3 extra shots including a personal shot for each of us.

"DAMN IT" the director said

We were driving, it was pretty late at night and we were going to the last shoot.

"S-sir, we just need a dance scene right?" Tiffany asked "i-i know a place, it's free too..."
"Really? Where?" The directors eyes lit up
"It's in EKJ" she smiled
"EKJ GUYS" the director said

"We don't have a set in EKJ?" I said
"We have something better" she smiled

We arrived to EKJ and she lead us to the rooftop? There was a full moon tonight and the camera men seemed pretty happy about it.

"Let's dance in the moonlight just like before" she said grabbing my arm

It's been 3 weeks and we've won all the awards on the music shows we've been on. One day, I had a sore throat, I'm able to perform but not the high notes and we're not allowed to lip sync here.. Shit...

"Tiffany, you have to do the high notes tonight" I said
"What?" She said

"Tiffandrew with stars falling down!" The announcer said

I went on stage and we began to perform, so far tiffany has hit all the notes good, but this last one she started and then her jaw froze. She opened her mouth and her jaw had literally dropped and she couldn't move it back up. She held her jaw into place and continued to perform until the very end.

As soon as our performance was done she bolted to her dressing room and wouldn't let me come in and she herself wouldn't come out, I looked through her Twitter and AOK and Sewmpi and all the other things, her plastic surgery scandal trended worldwide on twitter, usually when idols come out, it gets bad, but tiffany didn't explain-it was an accident and the bashing is real on here, I've never seen worse for plastic surgery. I hid out until she came out late at night and followed her to EKJ.

She then walked into- the conference room? She began to cry as her dad comforted her and then I heard,

"Daddy, I don't want to do this anymore"
"You have no choice" he said in a bitch tone

I swear to god. I walked in to expect gross harassing, but what I saw was so much worse.

Collaboration (Tiffandrew Fanfic) by CourtneyWhere stories live. Discover now