Chapter 1.

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So it all starts on September 22nd 1978. My moms water breaks whilst she's working and she isn't happy about it.

Ellis was sitting at the lunch table with Richard, updating her patients charts. She wasn't happy. She wasn't happy about being pregnant, she wasn't happy with picking thatcher and she wasn't happy with life. Mostly because her stomach kept bugging her and getting in the way. She was upset about having to be monitored by the hospital and being put on maternity leave but she didn't let it get to her as much as it did.

Richard: how are you feeling?

Ellis shot a look at him. He knew to keep quiet and he looked away.

Ellis: try get a sample of the tumor looking thing and send it to path. Try remove a bit of it so it can work better and do its job. Maybe put her on the transplant list if you haven't and-

Then it happened. Her water broke.

Richard: woah Ellis...

Ellis looked at him and then she gulped.

Ellis: that was probably nothing, maybe I just peed myself... come on we have patients to see Richard.

She tried to get up and walk away but Richard grabbed her arm and pulled her so she would look at him.

Richard: now Ellis you're not going to be happy about this but you're water just broke so you're in labour and I'm not going to let you work ok. Now come on I'm taking you to your room and on the way there you can call thatch.

Ellis rolled her eyes and sighed, giving in which she did not often. Richard went and got her a wheelchair, leaving her all by herself. She took the opportunity to run. She went as fast as her pregnant body could go until she reached a fountain. She sat on the edge of the fountain, out of breath. She watched the water splash around and she sat there quite content until it hit her.

Ellis: is that it?

It was a contraction. She wasn't satisfied as it was made out to be so much worse that that.

(Back at the hospital)

Richard had gotten the wheelchair and went out to where she should have been. He was doing that smirky smile he does and he looked around. He couldn't see her.

Richard: Ellis?

He looked around the area and he couldn't find her. He knew this was bad. He ran and ran, anywhere he could to try find her. He went out the hospital and ran around when he heard screaming, he soon identified it as Ellis' scream and he ran so fast to her.


Richard eventually got there and he forgot about the wheelchair and rushed to her side. She took his hand she squeezed it to match the pain she was in. He looked at her concerned.

Richard: hey Ellis, breathe ok. Everything is going to be ok. Just breathe. I'm here and thatcher is on his way ok.

Ellis looked at him and gulped, she slowly took a breath and Richard helped her up. Just as she thought the contraction was over, the movement sent a shredding pain in her lower abdomin causing her to lose her balance. Richard had caught her and he got her into the wheelchair. He started to quickly push her to the hospital

Richard: everything will be ok Ellis I promise.

She nodded and closed her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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