im gonna cry

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i cant stop thinking about how my friend is mad at me i rlly don't know why i feel like she's never gonna talk to us again ☹️
i understand why she's avoiding us (to cool of but STILL i'm scared ☹️😭i don't feel like i can live without her

for now i have to keep the gc alive😵 but i'm gonna be gone all day bc i have tj clean the mf front yard that's like bombarded with tree

another rant: last night this oerson vented, and another person came and decided to make the conversation about themselves. i was actually so pissed off 😵 learn to know your turn. it was NOT your time to speak, and i would understand if you wanted to vent too, but you weren't even venting you were talking ab a dumb hangout you did like we don't gaf 😵 so i was being passive to them so win 😊
my friend that vented didn't even see my reply bc they filled the chat so much .. but anyway i added a cool down to the chat so 🤤

ugh i just remembered how my friend that's ghosting me didn't reply to my texts after i asked what i did in crying 😕

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