Chapter 2

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Damon parked in front of the house. I got out of the car but I didn't want to enter the house. I knew what was waiting for me and that my parents especially my dad would kill me. I started fiddling with my necklace again. "Come on y/n." He said still angry and J dollowed him into the house.

"Stefan!" Damon yelled and he came into the living room really fast. "What is it Damon?" He askes a little annoyed. "I found ypur daughter drinkink bourbon at the Grill and that wasn't all. She was with Klaus." He said and left.

I looked at my dad who was obviously really angry. "You did what?" I heard my mom's voice. She came into the room. "Oh calm down." I huffed annoyed. "Calm fown?!" My dad started yelling. "You don’t know who Klaus is! And don't forget that you drank alcohol without my permission!" Tears started filling my eyes. I never saw my dad that angry. "I knew that everyone hated me but you!?" I started crying and ran upstairs.

What was so bad about Klaus? He is kind and handsome. I never had a friend until now and my dad will destroy it! I fall down on my bed and cried even mlre when I heard a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" I heard my dad's voice. "No!" I yelled back but he ignored me. "I don't hate you. I am sorry for yelling at you. But believe me Klaus isn't good company." He said with a soft voice. I looked up my eyes already red from crying. "But why? He was relly kind." I mumbled. My dad sighed.

"You remember all the stories from my past life about the original hybrid? It was him. He tried to destroy my life. Yes I met him in the 1920 but my switch was off. I don't want you to get hurt. You are still my little girl even if you're already 17." I hugged him. "I know dad but I want to get him know. Maybe he changed like mother." I said. Stefan sighed again. "I can't stop you can't I?" I smiled a little. " But please tell me, Damon or Katherine if you are with him and take care of yourself." I smiled more. "But you are still arrested." He now said with a harder voice. "Oh come on dad!" I was annoyed. "One week." He said and left.

I waited for the sun to go down so I could finaly sleep. I thought about how I could get to the Grill at the next day. It was Saturday so I had no school. My only option was to sneak out but the other problem was how would I get to the Grill?

I woke up the next morning and looked at the watch. I would meet Kluas in two hours. I dressed myself and went downstairs to get something to eat.

When I was finished, I still had a hour left so I went back to my room and read a book.

Fourty minutes later it was time to get to the Grill. I went down quietly and heard my Dad and Damon talking in the living room. Fuck! I walked to the back door and went outside. No one noticed.

I decided to go by food because if I used Damon's or Dad's car they would hear it.

Twenty minutes later I reached the Grill and entered it. I walked towards the bar and saw Klaus. "Hi. Sorry I am late. Got arrested and needed to sneek out then I had no car and god here by foot." Klaus smiled at me. "Hello love. Don't be sorry everything fine. Sorry that you got in trouble because of me." I shrugged. "It's okay." I sat down next to him.

"What do you wanna drink?" Klaus asked after a while. "Cola. If I drink bourbon or something like that again and they find out again I am really dead." I laughed. "We can go to my house then they'll won't find out." He smirked and I nodded. "Sure why not?" We walked out of the Grill making sure that no one would notice.

We drove to his house and god it was big! "Oh and just ignore my siblings like I do." He said and opened the door for me. I stepped inside. "Niklaus where were you?" I heard a voice fro another room. "None of your business Elijah!" Klaus yelled back and guided me into the living room. "Feel yourself home." He said and walked away. I sat down on the couche.

"Who are you?" I heard the same voice from earlier behind me and turned around. "I am y/n. A friend of Klaus." I replied shyly. "Nice to meet you. I'm Elijah." He said with a smile. I shook his hand and then Klaus entered the room again.

"Got something good to drink." He said with a smile. "Take care of yourself when you are with him." Elijab whispered into my ear and left. I groaned. "What does everybody have against you?" I asked annoyed. "Dunno." He shrugged and handled me a glass with bourbon. "Maybe they don't like me because I am giving a beautiful 17 years old bourbon?" He laughed. "Yeah maybe." I replied and took a ship of my drink.

Time went by and I looked at my phone to look at the time. It was 6pm and then I saw seven missed calls and nineteen messages from my dad. "Ge will kill me." I laughed and put the phone away. "You are definitely drunk." Klaus said. "Me and drunk? No." I laughed again. "I should get you home." He said and took my glass away. "No. Please not I don't want to go home." But it didn't helped anything and he brought me home.

He knocked at the door. My dad opened. "God y/n!" I heard him and he pulled me inside. "What did you did to her?!" Stefan yelled at Klaus. My mind was vlear enough to hel him out of the situation. "I sneaked out and drunk to much. He found me and now here we are." I said and laughed. "Is that so?" He frowned and looked at Klaus. "Yes." I smiled. "Please stay!" I begged. "No y/n! We will talk tomorrow about it! Go to your room." My dad said and so I did. "Thank you Klaus." I heard him and then he clised the door and followe me.

I laid on my bed. "Are you serious?" I started giggling. I was defenatly drunk. "I hope that you'll feel that tomorrow. And then we will talk about it." He said and left. I fall asleep right after.

Y/n Salvatore (Klaus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now