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As we walked up the hill I turn back and see my friends laughing at their phones. I ask what's up and what they were laughing at. As they put their phones away they looked out and saw the beautiful city stretched out as far as our eyes could look. I saw they were trying to enjoy it, but I could tell they just wanted to look at their phones again. They said they were gonna head back, wherever that was, and that they would see me later. "Okay, have fun. See you guys later!" I replied. As I sat on the hill my gut told me that earlier that my friends were laughing at me, I don't know why but I decided to look at my phone. I wish I hadn't though. As I scrolled through Instagram I saw on their page that they were making fun of me. Just for enjoying nature. Now I haven't been on social media in a long time but I wish I had to end this so-called friendship the three of us had. The next morning I told them that what they did was wrong and they told me how they actually felt about me. We shared our thoughts and feelings towards one another. I'll admit it felt good to get it all out but it didn't feel good when they returned it. But that happened years ago, but 2 months after that, is when I was in my darkest times. I was sitting at the diner near my house and I remember thinking that no one liked me just because I was different and I liked the opposite of what everyone in my class did. But when I looked up I saw someone sitting at the table in front of me looking at their phone the same way I did when I was on the hill that one night. I don't know why but I asked what was wrong, and I'm glad I did. The person in front of me straight up told what was going on and I said the same thing happened to me. When I came over to sit next to them, the two of us clicked and we talked about everything. I'm so glad I went to the diner that day because I made a friend that would last a lifetime. Yesterday I was behind them at their wedding as they did to me when I got married. I can't believe how far this friendship has made it but I'm glad it did.

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