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Honestly I think this chapter is going to be a flop because I feel like it's all over the place but that's just my opinion as the writer, but I hope you like it


I just sat there as the rest of them left the room before the principal finally spoke
"Hoseok, can you tell me what's wrong, you can take your time but I would just like to at least know what happened in the bathroom just now if you dont want to tell me everything right now okay" she said but I just wiped my tears and took some breaths to calm down because I hate crying infront of people, especially a teacher because it makes me seem more weak than I already feel
"Well, they already told you everything" I said looking at her desktop instead of at her
"Okay, I understand that but that wasn't the full story was it? You seem to be the one that would know more than any of the other students that were involved since you may have been the one that Yuk-hei was bothering so your friends came to help you, what I want to know is what happened between you an Yuk-hei that caused the fight to happen" she told me and I just looked at her
"Nothing happened" I said, she just looked at me to see if I was going to continue but when I didn't she sighed.

"Hoseok, you understand if nothing happened and a fight just started out of nowhere that all of you guys will be in more trouble than what was already given, and all of your parents will be called too, not just the ones that were actually in the fight but all of you" she said and I quickly looked back up at her, I definitely can't have my parents find out about this, especially my father, I try to find something believable but try not to expose anything at the same time
"Well, it was my fault, I said something rude to Yuk-hei and he got mad and we um, started an argument" I said having to say argument instead of fight since I didn't have any visible marks on me like if I was in the fight so she wouldn't have believed me
"Then the others came and saw us arguing and when Yuk-hei pushed me to the floor they got defensive and the fight started, it wasn't any of my friends fault, it was mine in the first place" I said hoping she believes me.

"Okay, well what did you say that might have offended Yuk-hei that caused the argument between you two?" She asked with a raised brow
Crap, I didn't think that much on what I would have said, what the heck do I even say now I thought to myself
"Um, I- I don't feel comfortable saying it" I said while still trying to think
"Well you must have felt comfortable telling it to Yuk-hei" she said giving me a look as if she knows I'm lying but at the same time it seems like she believes me so I'm confused
Wait, I think I know what I could say, but, that's mean, do I even seem like the type to say something like that, I don't know if I should, but then again that would be something said that would be offensive to start an argument or a fi- I was cut from my own thoughts
"Hoseok, I'm waiting" she said
"Uh, I said.. I told him that uh, that his um" I gulped
"His mom is uh.. um" I said unable to finish.

"Hoseok, what did you tell him" she said more sternly, I swallowed again
"I told him his mom is a... a whore" I said saying the last part lowly unable to say it out loud, I refrained from making any faces that would tell I'm lying or laughing from nerves hoping the way I said it didn't already tell enough, she just looked at me and sighed, I'm not sure what kind of sigh that was, it could have been a sigh because of what I said or a sigh that she might know I'm lying, she just looked at me for a second
"You aren't going to tell me the truth are you" she said and I gulped, yup, she doesn't believe me
"That was the truth" I tried to defend
"Then how come none of that matched with what anyone else said" she told me and I stayed quiet
"And what about the phone call to your friends, they mentioned it in their stories but you didn't" she said
"I did call them, I just forgot to mention it, it was while we were arguing" I said, she just looked at me.

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