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Fanart by myself.

At the end of that week, after having happy days with Steve, practicing trapeze and stealing some kisses from him when they were alone, Bruce found himself in what would be the signature of his death sentence. That day he couldn't go to see Steve, he needed to prepare for the worst. It was the night of his engagement, and his mother locked him up at home so that he would be present at the right time for dinner to celebrate. It was not the actual wedding, but it made his and Nancy's engagement official, and in a few days he would already be at the church altar to then seal his fate. His father also returned early, but would return to Liverpool after his son's engagement party. He had just come out of the bath, he was wearing a white robe and his hair still insisted on dripping a few drops of water on the soft fabric and on the boy's face. He saw the suit on the bed, it was ironed and immaculate, some servant must have left it there while taking his long shower. At the head of the bed was also the box with the dreaded wedding rings, ordered directly from Spain by Lord Dickinson on his last trip abroad months ago. He felt like he had the rope around his neck that late afternoon, soon he would be putting the gold and diamond ring on Nancy's finger, and there was no escaping it. I was involved for four good years, I made several excuses for not marrying before and now I don't have any more! The dreaded day came, and Bruce was unable to quiet his heart with the fear of his future life. I wish Steve was here, at least with him here I would feel calmer.

After getting dressed, or rather, curling up enough to get dressed, he went down to the living room next to Janick. It was the blond boy who made him dress for the occasion, because when he knocked on his door, Bruce was still dressed in his robe on the huge bed. Janick kept him company during the reception of the guests, who were arriving little by little. Almost none were classmates from college, all were businessmen from their father and future father-in-law. There, Janick was the only friend he had, and that in a way left him with an emptiness in his heart. He gave a dead smile to everyone who greeted him, none of them would notice his enormous discomfort for all that, only his friend who noticed and did everything so that the other would not show so much. Bruce was also concerned about Janick there. He knew about his platonic love for Nancy, and it must have been worse than torture for him, but he was impressed to see that Janick would sacrifice so much for him, even if it cost him his wife's life. And it was with her in mind that Nancy and the Prince family arrived at Covent Garden. Nancy looked like a real porcelain doll dressed in a white silk dress encrusted with diamonds, wore a diamond choker to match the huge diamonds she had on her ears, and on her head a diadem with the only colorful thing in her evening dress, a huge blue sapphire to match your eyes. Bruce greeted her as the good gentleman he was, Janick did the same, but he dared not come any closer, Lord Prince shot him with the stern look that he had only for him.

"I didn't know that Lord Gers would be invited." Lord Prince said with disdain, which angered Bruce.

"Janick in addition to my guest will be the best man and is my friend, Mr Prince." He said in a slight irritated voice, he controlled himself to the maximum not to send the future father-in-law to hell as he wanted.

"Daddy, please, not today!" Nancy stood between her fiancé and her father. Her voice was sad, which didn't match her appearance that night. "Behave for me! It's my engagement night, Janick is just friends with my fiance!"

Before entering the mansion, Lord Prince gave Janick one last grudge, and elbowed him by the blond. Janick did not complain, but he was sad to see his beautiful lover pass him without even saying a single word of comfort. It was Bruce's turn to comfort his friend.


The large dining table was packed with food and talking people, and Bruce felt worse than he was feeling in his room hours ago. All that talk gave him a headache. He wasn't the only one in silence, Nancy and Janick were also quiet. He noticed that the two even exchanged glances during dinner when no one was watching them, which made Bruce even sadder. They love each other, but they can't be together because of me. The food went down his throat with a sour taste, he didn't even eat it all due to lack of appetite. After dinner, everyone gathered again in the hall, and when Bruce and Nancy entered together they were applauded by the guests. The most difficult moment that night was when he had to propose in front of everyone, he even let the rings fall to the floor, making a hollow noise and causing some malicious laughter from some guests. Nancy accepted, but she didn't look happy for a bride. She is also sad. Bruce gave a deaf kiss on her forehead after she accepted the request, and then led her to dance with the other guests. This time he was not worried about stepping on the girl's feet or afraid of ruining everything, he had trained a lot with Steve in his spare time, and it was the trapeze artist himself who assured him that he was ready to ask anyone to dance with him.

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