Eira Yama

41 4 0

Character chart

full name: Eira Yama

meaning of name: Eira (snow),  Yama (mountain)

Character's nickname: frosty, snowflake

Reason for nickname: his hair is white and he's pale like snow

Birthdate: June 17th

Physical appearance

Age: 17

How old do they appear: younger

Weight: 125 lbs

Height: 5'7 ft

Looks: fluffy white hair, pale purple eyes, and covered in bandages

Eye color: pale purple

Glasses or contacts: no

Distinguishing marks: bandages and old scars

Predominant features: fluffy white hair

Voice: Elijah Wood

Physical disabilities: missing left arm

Usual outfit: white hoodie and shorts or volleyball uniform


Good personality traits: loyal, quiet, 

Bad personality traits: hotheaded, short-tempered

Mood character is in most of the time: quiet and observant

Sense of humor: dark

Charatarter greatest joy in their life: volleyball

Character's greatest fear: losing his other arm

Why?: he wouldn't be able to play volleyball

What single event sent this characters life into complete turmoil: losing his arm

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