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In Junaid Manzil,
The whole family is assembled in the hall. All the eyes are glued to the main door.... All are in shock....

At the door step....
Aman and Roshni is standing in the wedding attire.... Roshni's eyes filled with tears both of sadness and happiness. While Aman's eyes were filled with anger and hate.

Aman grabbed Roshni's hand and took her inside a room, where Parveen is lying on the bed unconscious. He didn't notice that his grip on Roshni's hand made her bangle get broke and pierce her skin causing her bleed....

The family members too followed them... Mr. Chotu noticed that Roshni's hand is bleeding. But Roshni didn't say anything to Aman.

Mr.Chotu: Chittappa(Chachu).... She is bleeding....(pointing Roshni's hand)
Just then Aman noticed her hand. He left her hand immediately.

Aman: Sara, Take and come the first aid box...
Roshni: No need for that.... This is nothing.... My actual wound is somewhere else...(looking straight into Aman's eyes.)
A lone tear escaped from her eyes but she wiped it quickly.

Aman was looking straight into Roshni's eyes. Roshni broke the eyelock.

Roshni: Can anyone tell, how can I save her?(Pointing towards Parveen)
Anjum: Come with me dear.
Roshni followed Anjum outside while Aman sat near Parveen by holding her hand with tears.

After few minutes, Roshni and Anjum came to the room. Roshni touched the nargis bud which made it to bloom. She hold it in her hands straight to sun. Due to that the flower started glowing. She put the flower into water bowl held by Anjum. They made Parveen to drink that water.

Parveen was still unconscious.  Anjum called Taabeezi. 
Taabeezi: Ammi...
Anjum: Rubina, we have done all the things u have told to do. But still Parveen not reached her conscious.
Taabeezi: As the spell used to attack Parveen is very powerful, it takes time to cure, Ammi. All wait for 24 hours. Parveen will get alright by tomorrow.
Anjum: Ok Rubina.
Anjum cut the call.

Aman: Dadi, what did Taabeezi said? Why Ammi didn't get conscious yet???
Anjum: Rubina said that we should wait for 24 hours. U all get to ur room. Sara, Saima take Roshni to Aman's room.

Sara, Saima:  Ok Dadi.
Suddenly, Roshni's phone started ringing. She attended and after a while, cut the call.
Roshni: Dadi... I want to go and see my mother. She has been admitted in the hospital.

Aman was shocked by hearing this.
Dadi: What happened to her, dear?
Roshni: I don't know Dadi. My friend just informed me. I want to go.
Dadi: Wait dr.... Aman will take u there.

Roshni: There is no need for that, dadi. I cam manage myself.
Before anyone could speak... All heard someone calling Roshni from the hall. All rushed out and saw Salma standing there. Behind her Farah was standing. Roshni ran to her.

Roshni: Ammi.... R u fine??
Salma: I'm absolutely fine.
Roshni glared at Farah...
Farah: She fainted at the hall. I swear....
Roshni(to Salma): What is this Ammi????
Salma: Leave all that. U didn't marry, right??

Roshni(hesitantly): Ammi, I'm married....
Salma: What??? Don't say all my acting were wasted... U can't marry Sameer.
Roshni: Ammi... I didn't marry Sameer. I'm married to Khanbaba...
Salma(sighed): Thank God.....

Aman who was witnessing the whole scene, was totally confused. He came near Roshni.
Aman(to Salma): U r happy that she married me???
Salma: Nooo... I'm happy that she didn't marry Sameer... He is not capable of marrying my Roshni.

Roshni: I know that. Then y did u forced me to marry him?
Salma: Becoz he.....
Salma just remembered that she is infront of Roshni's in-laws. So she stopped saying further.

How did Roshan got married?
What happened to Parveen?
Y did Salma forced Roshni to marry Sameer?

Hope u guys like it....
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                                    - VIJIMIRA 🥰

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