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The fire seemed relentless in its rage. He’d been here before. He’d seen those chairs. These people. Creatures. But the pain had never been this much. There was no sign of burn nor bruise or scratch but the licking flames lashed at his body with a searing heat.

He knew it was only because it was time.

His gaze shifted to the council. They were a sight to see, that was for sure. He’d always seen them as something of beauty in their agelessness. They were terrible, but beautiful.

The one in the middle grinned as his body shifted. A serpentine figure with a forked tongue behind gleaming teeth. A dragon with seven heads and acrid breath. A figure with horns that curled like a ram. But the one that always stood out the most to him; the dark wings spread behind lean muscles. An angel.

“I believe it’s time, comrades.” He spoke with a power that if they weren’t surrounded by fire, would radiate heat throughout the whole cavern.

“The boy is not ready.” One of the others barked. The middle man’s  golden eyes flicked to his second-in-command, taking in the rotund belly and pure red eyes. “We can’t-“

“Ready or not, the boy must go. There is no postponing this. We are running out of time.” A silent rage seethed through these words and sent a shiver down the boy’s spine.

What am I doing? What have I gotten myself into?

The leader’s eyes flicked to the young one, grin widening. No turning back now. You are our last chance.

This time, out loud, the leader spoke, “Find it, boy. You must bring it as close to the middle ground as you can get. We will send instructions when it is time.”

Do not fail us. Golden eyes turned red as the leader glanced at the council.

How do I know when I’ve found it?

Oh you’ll know, child.

And with that, the acrid stench filled his body and for a second he was floating. Then his body contorted and a crippling pain filled him to the brim.

Everything went black.

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