Things Change

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Are they a blessing or a curse?

The fresh air swirled with the smell of trees, of grass and of them, together. The stars on the night sky sparkled, the reflection of the lighted up sky in Akaashi's eyes, only for a moment. Akaashi had been staring at his love, his world, his Bokuto.

"'Kaashii, I took you here to go stargazing, not to look at me" Bokuto pouted. Akaashi had a soft smile, "The stars match your eyes"


Bokuto sits on top of the rooftop of his apartment in central tokyo, staring off to the city lights. They weren't as mesmerizing as the stars he went to see with Akaashi. Bokuto's legs were dangling off the edge. The air was cold and crispy, cold like the dawn in the mountains after rain, crispy enough to keep anyone awake.


Are they good or bad?

The sound of each other's heartbeat accompanied with the sound of the morning rain. It was a cold morning, no one would want to get out of bed. But the warmth they shared was more than enough to beat the cold rain.


Bokuto cupped the mug of cocoa, the marshmallows bouncing and swimming around. The mug radiated warmth but not the warmth he remembered, not the warmth he yearned for, not the bright warmth he knows. It was a cup, yet he felt slightly comforted by it.


Are they a blessing or a curse?

Akaashi sat at the counter, half of his face buried in the hoodie he was wearing. "Aka aka akaaaaashi! Hehe, you're not even red..." Akaashi heard someone familiar, "Did you take my hoodie again?" Akaashi slid his cup away to reply "Sorry, the laundry-", Bokuto, at last, made his way into the kitchen, with only a glimpse of Akaashi, he melted. "You can use it, you look really cute in it" Bokuto mumbled the last part.


Bokuto tossed his hood up, the jacket Akaashi 'borrowed' and kept, the jacket that smelled like Akaashi. It was embracing, welcoming, he could see why Akaashi loved it so much, may be even more than him. It was an old jacket yet the material was still good, it was like true love, long-lasting and strong.


Should they be cherished or ignored?

"Your eyes are so deep," Bokuto exclaimed "I like them." His love looked away at that remark, "Why? Aren't you scared you'll get lost and never to be found?". Bokuto looked up at the sky, then down, to the floor of their small balcony. "It feels more like... I'll get lost and end up finding something cool."


Bokuto sets his mug down next to him and lay down on the concrete floor of the apartment rooftop, gazing at the sky. It was a cloudy night, the moon not visible nor the stars. The clouds were large, large and dark enough to not see the lines separating which cloud was which. The sky's deep, deep enough to get lost and be abandoned, left to rot.


Do they harm or heal?

"'Kaashi, come on, it's time" Bokuto giggled, shaking the other male who was in bed. Akaashi awoke, reading the alarm clock, 'Two in the morning' he read. The two walked up the stairs in their pyjamas, not caring who'll see them, it wasn't even sunrise yet, who'd be roaming around the halls this late anyway? "Why this late... or early?" Akaashi asked, nudging his eyes. Bokuto smiled back and kept walking. They, at last, reached the rooftop, the sound of the cars and wind with them.


"Why are there so many cars" he thought, "so many lights still on too...". He doesn't know what time it is, but Bokuto can tell how late it is. After midnight can be confusing, are you early? Are you late? No exact answer, it's strange. It was a weekday yet so many cars, are they all going to work or coming back from work?


He crosses his legs, back facing the edge, the breeze brushing against his ears and air. Looking at the empty dark space felt better than the busy roads.

"He came into my life

And I never felt the same

I didn't know I needed him until he said hello

If only I had noticed sooner

If only I had spent more time with him


I've been so used to him

I don't know what I do now without him..."

More words, deeper, constructed, came into the owl's mind, as his whole body fly.

Owls are meant to fly, right?

"Am I flying correctly?"

Fading away from the 7 story building, he reached impact.

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