1: Epilogue

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"Maybe I shouldn't have trusted them the way I did"

Y/n pov:
y/n = 7 years old -- In the Ark

"Look mommy!" I said pulling at my mothers shirt so I could get her attention, "Mommy look!"

"What?!" She yelled at me angry.

"Nothing.... nevermind...." I whisper letting go of her shirt and looking down to the floor.

"Great, now stop bothering I need to finish this work so you can have a meal in your plate everyday" She says turning around to continue what she was doing.

I headed to my room and closed the door, immediately running to my bed with tears on my face.
"It's my birthday..." I whispered to myself, crying myself to sleep right after.


Y/n pov:
y/n = 10 years old -- In the Ark

I hear a knock on the door, and knowing it was my dad I say "Go away! I don't want to talk to you right now" loud enough for him to hear.

"Please I'm sorry y/n" He says.

"No, just leave" I answer wiping away the tears from my cheeks.


I was coming from school after a long day and I went to the kitchen first, where I found my dad siting in the table with his notebook.

"Hi dad" I say with a smile, going to hug him but he pulls me off of him pushing me backwards.

"What do you want now? Don't you see I'm busy?" He says rolling his eyes.

"I just wanted to show you my-" I said getting cut off by him.

"I don't want to see any shit you did, I'm doing work"

"But dad-"

"BUT DAD NOTHING Y/N! WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DON'T GET WHEN I TELL YOU THAT I'M DOING WORK?!" He yells at me getting up from his seat.

"I'm sorry dad I-I just wanted to-" I stop talking when I feel my cheek burn, and then realised that he slapped me, leaving a mark of his hand in my face.

"Sorry y/n, I didn't mean to- I wasn't-" I didn't even bother to listen to his stupid apology. I ran to my room, slamming the door when I got in and locking it so he couldn't enter now unless I wanted him to, which I won't anytime soon.

* End of the Flashback *


Y/n pov:
y/n = 12 years old -- In the Ark

"Y/n come here NOW!" I hear my mom scream, but I got used to it by now I guess...

I go downstairs to find my parents waiting for me with my report card in hand.

"What is this?" My dad asks looking angry.

"My notes I guess.." I say shrugging.

"Don't talk back to us! Don't you even care about your future?!" My mom yelled at me once again.

"This are all F's and D's!" My dad yelled.

"Your only duty is school and you can't even do that?"

"You're a disappointment, really y/n" My dad said. "I really expected better of you" He walked out of the room, leaving the report card on the table.

"..." didn't answer.

"You know how hard we work so you can study and have a good life?" My mom continued after a long silence.

"And you just throw all of that away?!" After she got no response from me she said, "You're a waist of air"

A tear rolled down my face before I ran to my bedroom.


Y/n pov:
y/n = 14 years old -- In the Ark

I walked out of my room after hearing something crash against the door followed by a big thud. I ran downstairs, and when I got down, I see my parents being arrested by five officers.

"What are you doing?!" I yell at them trying to get closer to my parents.

"Don't get involved kid, you don't want to get floated too" An officer told me, my parents were still quiet.

"They didn't do anything wrong!" I yell.

"Yes they did, they stole a lot of food and valuable equipment" Another one intervened.

"No! Wait! They still can do something to fix that, please" I said before I punched the officer in the back, wanting him to release my parents.

"Restrain her!" I heard someone yell and the others came and grabbed me by my shoulders. I tried to fight but they were much stronger than a fourteen year old girl.

Then I felt something hit my head and the next thing i know, i blacked out.


Y/n pov:
17 years old -- In the Ark

It's been three years since they restrained me and floated my parents. I've been kept in solitary for all this time because of a request made by the chancellor, a friend of my parents who also happened to despise me too. I guess nobody minded that I was 'missing' since I didn't have any real friend in school. I knew that another girl was in solitary because I heard her singing and talking to herself. She has a nice voice....

Sometimes we would talk and our conversations lasted like hours, I couldn't tell how long they lasted because I have no connection with the outside, but she could because of a watch they let her keep. I actually really like her and she makes me laugh through all this messed up situation so it could definitely be worse.

*5 months after*

My thoughts are interrupted by my door opening. Weird...

"Prisoner 318, get up and show me your wrists" The officer said and I did as he told me.

"What's happening?"

"Silence prisoner" He responds.

"No, what's happening? Are you floating people early?" I said panicking.

"Knock her out, we can't be here forever" Was the last thing I heard the other one order before everything went black.

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