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Meredith sighs as she lifts her tired and aching body from the cold, tiled bathroom floor. Morning sickness sucks. Morning sickness sucks old man ass.

Two weeks. It has been two weeks since she has arrived. It has been two weeks since the end of the cruise. It has been two weeks since he told her he loved her, well, sleeping her. It has been two weeks since she whispered into the night that she loves him. Two weeks since she left him.

Meredith rinses out her mouth as she stares at her pale reflection in the mirror. The image staring back at her shocks her. It isn't her. She looks so broken. She looks so sad. She looks so alone.

Maybe the person staring back is her. She feels broken. She feels sad. She is alone.

She wipes her mouth off on a bath towel, breaking the eye contact with her own reflection. She is going to be late. It is her first day of medical school and she is going to be late. She rushes to get ready and grabs the keys to her run down jeep before dashing out of the door. She is sure to lock all of the locks on the door to her apartment before stepping out into the dingy hall. Meredith sighs loudly as she begins to walk down the seven flights of stairs.

Meredith's mom is rich. She has a ton of money. But when Meredith told her mother, the Great Ellis Grey, that she was pregnant, her mother gave her an ultimatum: either get an abortion or she was completely on her own.

There was no way that Meredith was going to destroy a life that was created in love. There was no way she was going to destroy the only piece of him that she had left. There was no freaking way.

So, now Meredith is having to work full time while attending medical school. Her mother not only refuses to help her with living expenses, but has also refused to pay for her school. She doesn't know how she is going to do it. She doesn't know how she is going to do it all alone, but she has no choice. She has no choice but to do it alone.

Meredith inhales deeply as she jumps out of her jeep and runs towards the building where her class is being held. Running. Bad idea. She starts to feel nauseous again and has to stop and further empty the contents of her stomach. She wipes her forehead with the back of her head before continuing on towards her destination. She finds the classroom and hesitates outside before entering boldly. The professor looks up and meets her eyes. She suppresses a gasp. His eyes. Those are his eyes. And his hair. That is definitely his hair, but with strands of silver. It must be coincidence.

He looks somewhat annoyed as Meredith fidgets with her watch.

Professor: How nice of you to grace up with your presence, Miss?

Meredith: Grey, Meredith Grey.

Professor: Well, take a seat, Miss Grey and meet with me after class.

Meredith stares down at her shoes as she answers in a meek voice.

Meredith: Yes, sir.

Meredith walks towards a seat in the back and avoids looking at him. For some reason, it hurts to look at him. It hurts, but at the same time it gives her a certain comfort.

She absent mindedly runs her hand across her still flat abdomen. She wonders what it would feel like to have his hands on her stomach again while the life that they created together continues she grow.

She smiles wistfully as she imagines Derek holding a tiny bundle in his arms, a boy, a mini-Derek. He would be such a great father. Why didn't she tell him? Why didn't she let him know? Oh, that's right. She didn't want him to stay just because she was pregnant. She didn't want to hold him back. No strings attached. That was the deal. Only now there is a very strong piece of twine that is binding them together, whether he knows it or not.

The voice of the professor cuts into her daydreams.

Professor: That will be all for today. I expect you all to read chapters 2 and 3 for Wednesday. Always come prepared for a quiz. Have a good day.

The Professor begins to place various items into his brief case. Meredith stands up slowly, she is so tired, and walks up to him. She bites down on her bottom lip. He glances up at her.

Professor: Ahhh, Miss Grey. If you will just follow me to my office.

Meredith nods and follows the professor out of the classroom. They walk up several flights of stairs before they reach his office. She doesn't pay attention to the name plate that is on the door as she crosses the threshold. He positions himself behind the desk and motions for her to sit as he takes a seat himself.

Professor: Now, Miss Grey, I would like to know if you plan on showing up late to my class everyday?

Meredith clears her throat as she looks down at the floor before looking back into his bright blue eyes. She might as well tell him. Get it over with. He will know soon enough.

Meredith: I'm sorry, Professor. I...umm...well...the thing is...I..umm...well...I have horrible morning sickness.

The professor arches his eyebrows at her.

Professor: Morning sickness, Miss Grey?

Meredith: Yes, sir, and please, call me Meredith.

Professor: Alright, Meredith, but only if you call me Dr. Shepherd.

Meredith smiles warmly at him. He is actually being nice. He studies her carefully for a moment.

Dr. Shepherd: How far along are you?

Meredith: Six weeks.

Dr. Shepherd leans back in his chair and stares at the young woman. She looks tired. She looks worn. She looks familiar. And then it clicks.

Dr. Shepherd: You are the daughter of Ellis Grey.

Meredith smiles meekly.

Meredith: Not anymore.

Dr. Shepherd arches his eyebrow.

Dr. Shepherd: What do you mean?

Meredith sighs.

Meredith: You really don't want to know my history, Dr. Shepherd.

He runs his hand through his hair, something else that reminds her of Derek. She looks like she needs someone to talk to, and this is what he does. Both him and his wife are known to take those under their wing who seem to have no one else. Hell, his son's best friend basically lived under their roof.

Dr. Shepherd: Look, Meredith, I know that it is the first day and you don't really know me, but I can tell that you need to talk.

Meredith looks up at the kind eyes and tears begin to form in her eyes. Why is he being so nice?

Meredith: She disowned me because I refused to get an abortion. I didn't fit her mold anymore and I refused to let her take this away from me. I couldn't let her take this away from me.

Dr. Shepherd: I'm sorry, Meredith.

Meredith reaches up and quickly brushes the tears away.

Meredith: It's okay. Really.

Meredith looks at her watch and a panicked look crosses her face.

Meredith: I'm sorry for being late, Dr. Shepherd, but I really have to go. I'm going to be late for work.

Dr. Shepherd leans forward in his chair, a shocked expression on his face.

Dr. Shepherd: Work? How in the hell are you going to work and go to medical school?

Meredith: I have to. I have no choice. See you Wednesday Dr. Shepherd. Thanks for everything.

Meredith leaves the room quickly and Dr. Shepherd leans back in thought. He knew Ellis Grey was a bitch. His son had told him so numerous times. He just didn't realize she was so...inhumane.

The last thought that crosses Dr. Shepherd's mind before he leaves his office is the idea that this Meredith Grey would be a perfect match for his son.

If only he knew how perfect.

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