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As the writer, I do not encourage any illegal substances throughout this book, but I do encourage my readers to learn from the book and frankly use this book at their own risk, if you have any problems contact me!! 

Thanks, noturho3

it's summer 2021 and I've been in my fucking house for over 5 months, this whole covid shit has gotten the worst of me, taking my energy, staying up all night, bored as fuck, and lost all my friends. But I have a feeling about this summer, the vaccine is out and masks are starting to be gone, it's always good to be cautious and careful of others in public out of respect of course. But I'm about ready to just live my life because fuck it "you only live once" 

it's time to meet the "group" we call it the "fuck up squad" we stick together, and we always come in clutch if needed, our two rules are, you snitch you leave, and we don't date each other, you can have crushes but no dating. It just makes it awkward... 

The Fuck up squad 

Sara: the pretty girl if you will of the group, she comes in handy dealing with illegal shit, like alc and nic and w33d of course. 

Nate: the 17-year old that looks 21, he is basically the dad of the group, always handy when it comes to houses and cars 

James: the absolute jackass of the group but is well known with the best illegal parties through highschool

now you're probably asking why you need to know all this bullshit, but we come together as one and we are family, now on to the two others 

Lily: me, the girl who is pretty but is always the third wheel because your friends don't want you to feel left out, but she comes in handy with taking care of us, like a mother and a friend 

Jack: the earthly person, he tells us which shrooms hit different and if the w33d is pure, etc. things like that. 


my besties I love each and every one of you, comment how you are below, and how you like the book so far. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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