chapter 1

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"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" as he finished the last few words Kiku lifted the vial and bent down to kiss you. You closed your eyes and closed the space between you........

You wake up with a start. Gosh what was that about? You think back to the dream you just had about your best friend. You have always liked him ever since you met but lately you have been having these dreams about him.

"I'M A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WORLD" You laugh as you answer your phone thinking how ridiculous your ring tone was. "Hello" you say as you put the phone up to your ear.

"Hello (y/n), yes i was wondering if you would like to go with me and catch a movie"

You could practically hear the blush on his face. "SURE" You say a little too excited!

"OK see you at 6:00"

Excited for your day out(cant really call it a date because well sadly your not dating) you run to your room and put on a (f/c) dress. Then you run to the bath room and do your hair and makeup. I cant believe I get to spend a whole day with Japan' you think as you are putting your(h/c) hair up. Now Japan has been your best friend for a while but you kinda wished he was more than a friend.

As you wait for him you sit on your couch and turn on your TV to Adventure Time. As your watching it you don't notice how fast time has flown because before you knew it Japan was knocking on your door. "Hold on i'll be there in a minute!" you shout as you grab your shoes and run to the door.

"Hello" you greet the Japanese man at your door step " please come in" you say as you step aside letting him in.

"Thank you (y/n)" He says as he enters the house. "Well we have 20 minutes till we have to leave" he says.

"OK well I'm ready if you are" you say cheerfully. You grab your hand bag (I don't like purses) and head out the door with japan close behind. Both of you hop in his car after you lock your door. As he is driving down the road there is an awkward silence so you turn on the radio. "OMG I TOTALLY LOVE THIS SONG" You say as you start to sing along.

(Japan's POV)

As we are driving (y/n) start singing to the radio, she has the most beautiful voice. I could listen to it all day. "Story of my life i'll take you home we'll drive all night until she's warm inside is frozen"(sorry if that is not the lyrics) she sang as we made our way to the mall.


As we made our way into the mall (y/n) was jumping every where. "SO what movie are we gonna watch" she asked with her sparkling (e/c) eyes? "Hmm I don't know but I think we should watch a horror movie" I state even though i know she does not like them. In fact they scare the crap out of her, but it is funny watching her act all brave.

"Sure why not" she says with a forced smile. We walk in and buy two tickets for resident evil and take our seats in the theater after buying popcorn and soda.

"Man this is going to be so good" she says pumped for the movie that is about to play. " I hope so all of the commercials were so goo I just wanted to come watch it" I say flashing her an evil smile that she did not see because she was to busy getting her nerves together. Soon the movie is starting and everyone is quieting down.

(Your POV)

OK the movie is half way over and I am scared out of my brain. 'Stupid me for trying to be brave and saying I could handle it' you think as you look over at the laughing Japanese boy beside you. 'How can he be laughing at this it is so Gross'?

Lemon(japan x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora