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Tegan : u ready
Noah : yes
Tegan : good lets go

He gets up and we go down stairs walking the door and we get in the car and i drive to the park

Daniel : hey dude
Noah : hi
Tegan : is this kobe
Daniel: yh

I sit on the floor and i stoke kobe and he jumps up at me

Daniel: he likes u
Noah : small dog
Daniel: he won't hurt u
Tegan : look come
Noah : no
Tegan ; ok

I get up and we start walking around

Daniel: have u been good
Noah: no
Daniel: no what did u do
Noah : i hit someone yesterday
Daniel: why did u hit someone
Noah : he was being mean
Daniel : u don't hit thought violence is never the answer
Noah ; i learnt my lesson
Daniel ; how
Tegan: naughty step no tv and had to write a letter to apologise
Daniel; i think u learnt your lesson
Noah : i did
Daniel: be good and always be nice
Noah : i will
Tegan : can i steal kobe
Daniel: no u cannot
Tegan: why
Daniel: cause hes a family dog between me and my brothers
Tegan : do u all live with each other
Daniel: yh me Christian and tyler
Tegan: why do i have a feeling theres a lot of yelling with 3 dudes in one house
Daniel:theres way to much yelling Christian plays video games all the time and when be loses he makes it clear hes lost . And Christian and tyler personalitys clash a lot so they yell at each other
Tegan: making yourself sound like your quiet
Daniel: I'm not quiet just no one hears me because i have my own little music place down the side of my house
Tegan: ah ok
Daniel ; and me and Christian play Mario kart all the time and we trash talk each other really loudly
Tegan: a lot of it sounds like Christian
Daniel: it mostly is
Noah : i want brothers
Tegan : you'll have a sibling at some point
Daniel: you'll for sure get sibling
Tegan : there
Noah : make it soon
Daniel : why soon
Noah ; i want a brother or sister to play with do u know how how bord i get when i finish school cause mom only lets me watch 1 hour of tv and then theres only so many toys i can play with before that gets boring . And i love sissy but shes always out and andy just sits on his bum
Daniel : thats a lot
Tegan: i know
Noah : i want a brother or sister soon
Tegan: you'll get one just in a few years
Noah: uhh
Daniel: we should give him a brother or sister
Tegan : huh
Daniel: u heard him
Tegan: go screw some chick and get her knocked up

I wisper

Daniel: why don't u screw a guy and get knocked up
Tegan : no
Daniel ; well I'm not screwing some girl
Noah ; what does screwing me
Daniel: um
Tegan: screw driver don't worry
Noah : ok
Daniel: screw driver
Tegan : can u think of something better
Daniel: no
Tegan ; then shut it
Daniel: yes ma'am

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan: hello
Ally ; hi can u send me some money
Tegan: what for
Ally : condoms
Tegan ; isn't it the guys job to buy them
Ally : yes but hes out of them and I'm going to his so i may as well buy them so can i have some money
Tegan how do u have a better sex life then me
Ally : cause I'm not old
Tegan: i am not old
Ally ; yes u are so can i have some money
Tegan : I'll send it now
Ally : thank u love u

She hangs up and i send her the money

Noah : mom a boy in my class told me how babies are made
Tegan: who
Daniel: wait how are they made
Noah : u hold hands with girls I've held hads with my girlfriends am i gonna have babies

Me and Daniel burst out laughing

Daniel: no u aren't gonna have babies
Noah : but the boy said its how there made
Tegan: its not how there made
Noah : how are they made
Tegan : um
Daniel: how about we have this talk in a few years
Noah : but i want to know
Tegan: babies are made out of love thats all I'm gonna say for now but we will tell u when u are older and have more of an understanding of it all
Noah : was i made with love
Daniel: i loved your mom your mom didn't love me
Noah : why didn't u love Daniel
Tegan : thanks for throwing me into this
Daniel: sorry
Noah : why
Tegan : i did love Daniel but it was very hard for me to say i loved him because auntie tally dated daniel
Noah: so u did love u
Tegan: yh
Daniel: i knew it
Tegan: shut up
Noah : kobe done a doo doo
Daniel: yh thank u
Tegan: get cleaning
Daniel: i am

He cleans up the poop

Tegan: its u a peace of shit

I wisper

Daniel: ouch
Tegan : sorry not sorry
Daniel : your still mean
Tegan : yep
Noah : when will i next see u
Daniel: tomorrow because my family
Noah : really
Tegan: yh
Daniel: yh your coming to mine having dinner and meeting my family
Noah : yay
Tegan: right should we get u home have dinner then bed ready for tomorrow
Noah : yes
Daniel : see u tomrrow dude
Noah : bye daniel bye kobe
Daniel : bye

We walk off going to the car and i drive home and i make dinner and i gave noah a bath and he went bed

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