Hot Sauce

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 It had only been a week since the promotions for Hot Sauce started

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 It had only been a week since the promotions for Hot Sauce started. Even with Covid stopping some things the promotions were still hard and stressful and long. Mark was starting to definitely feel it. Ofcourse him working with practically every unit in every song wasn’t giving him much time to relax and deal with his stresses. Sitting around the waiting room he admires the warm weather outside. He has been waiting what feels like forever for summer. Looking around at his members thinking about all they can do. Ice cream with Jisung, riding bikes with Jeno and Jaemin, swimming with Haechan… He loved swimming with Haechan, it was always so much fun. They would try to find the best swimsuits that show off their bodies without being too obvious. Mark tending to pick ones that show off his butt. The fans love it. Haechan picking ones that show off his legs… Mark can’t lie they are great legs even more so in the summer… his skin turning a beautiful golden color….

    Mark doesn’t even realize when he is staring at Haechan’s legs. Suddenly brought out of his deep thought by being told it’s time to perform. 

 “ We have enough time now don’t look around just taste it”

“Relax more and bon appetit now”

“You feel dizzy”

“Enjoy the perfect taste lingering over the tip of your tongue”


        The car ride home seemed extra long tonight. As the other members made plans to go out to see a movie and dinner Mark realizes he will be home alone and the minutes seem to get longer and longer. Sitting there just singing to himself over and over.

“You feel dizzy”

“Enjoy the perfect taste lingering over the tip of your tongue”

“You feel dizzy”

“You feel dizzy”

“You feel dizzy”

    Finally, the car comes to a stop letting everyone out as they run into the door to change and leave for their nightly plans. After 20 minutes finally everyone is gone. Or well at least so Mark thought. Changing into some comfy clothes Mark walks out to the livingroom to watch some tv when he sees Haechan sitting on the couch cuddling under a blanket on the couch. Even though he was slightly disappointed that he wasn’t alone Mark slid into the blanket next to Haechan mindlessly watching whatever movie was on. Suddenly, his stomach starts to growl and Haechan can’t help but laugh silently. Jumping up Haechan runs to go get some snacks, the blanket falling exposing his oversized t-shirt and shorts that were maybe a little too short. Running back not watching where he is going Haechan runs his knee right into the coffee table. Being the absolute extra being he is falling onto the couch screaming about how he is going to die. Joining his extraness Mark grabs his leg gently blowing on it to get rid of the pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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