Chapter 19

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"Who do you think you are!?Lightning or should i say Thunderstorm ask Adudu who was shaking in fear "Why..... Why are you doing this to me!?" Thunderstorm asked while walking towards Adudu with a scary glare

 Why are you doing this to me!?" Thunderstorm asked while walking towards Adudu with a scary glare

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"Why....uhhh.... Actually.... Uhhh we were just uh..." Adudu stuttered in fear "What!?" Thunderstorm then summoned his Thunderbolt as Adudu started to panick "Actually we were just....ummm" Probe then cut Adudu off

"We were giving you a suprise birthday party!" "U-uhh.... Birthday party?" Adudu sounded unsure while looking at computer, Thunderstorm continued to glare making Probe sweat thingking he might not believe him but

"Huh!? Birthday party!! A surprise birthday party!?" Thunderstorm's glare turned into a happy one catching the 3 off guard "He seems to be convince that this is his birthday party him memories is getting a lot worse" Computer explained quitely to Adudu

"Oh! Yeah yeah! That's right! This is your birthday party!" Adudu joined the conversation "Wow! Thanks alot! You guys are the best" Thunderstorm then grabbed Adudu's hand giving the green square alien a hand shake

"Mr.Boss i think he really believes were his friends now!" Probe stated making Adudu laugh "Were friends eh?"

At Tok Aba's household

"Hmmm........hmmmm...... Ohhh?" Earth hummed while both element was examining each other while doing the same movements which both of them just move in sync just like a mirror

"Aish.... Come on both of you cut it out, you two are the same person....." Y/n spoke in between the two which she just got ignored while Tok Aba just watch before letting out a sigh "Hmmm, we gotta find the other one quick Ato!" Ochobot exclaimed seeing Boboiboy's memory started to get more worse as for Tok Aba who physically face palm and letting out a sigh once again

"There getting worse and worse!" Tok Aba exclaimed while Gopal was behind Y/n who didn't notice since she was busy watching the elements with a deadpanned expression look since the two just keep ignoring her while Gopal took this oppurtunity to lift 2 frying pan in each hand

"Hya!" Both element

including Y/ hit by the frying pan hard "Ack!" The three of them fall forward, face planting the ground past out while Y/n was in the middle of the two element "Hey! What did you do that for!?" Tok Aba yelled in annoyance "And Y/n again!?" Tok Aba added making Gopal explain

"Hit them on the head to get them to remember what else..... And making sure Y/n forgets about my debt?" Gopal spoke but unsure about the last part "What's wrong with you!? You think that will work!? Oh my poor grandchildren...." Tok Aba spoke while looking at the three kids who was pass out in the ground making Gopal chuckle

"But it work on the show i saw on TV!" Tok Aba just gave Gopal a deadpan look "What show was that!?" Tok Aba questioned..... More like demand "Hmmmm..... I don't think i remember?" Gopal replied while Ochobot appeared behind the boy

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