Lindell one shot

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I awoke to the sound of talking. I tried to sit up but my body didn’t like that very much. I heard someone standing above me saying, “ Don’t move around too much, you're still injured.”

I then said in a groggy voice, “what happened,” as I looked around I found the person who spoke,  It looked to be a young man but when I looked into his eyes I knew he was much older because his eyes told  me that he had seen much.

  He then spoke, “You're in Iceland far from any town or city. You gave us a scare seeing you fall from the sky like that. Do you know how you came to be here?”

I shook my head and said, “I remember getting ready for bed when I lost consciousness.”

He then said, “ Well that would explain your clothing then, but how did you get from your home to my home.”

I shrugged as I tried to sit up again, when he moved to help me I saw we were in a tent and asked, “Do you live on a reserve by chance?”

He nodded and said, “how did you know that?”

I then said, “ I can smell nature and the shadow of the dragon outside give it away.” I pointed to the shadow of the dragon just outside the tent.”

He then said, “So you know dragons still exist do you?”

I nodded and said, “ I was saved by a dragon when I was a little kid, even back then I knew that normal people didn’t like them if they knew that even one was still alive that the dragon that had saved me were alive that the dragon would be hunted, so when I was asked who saved me by the local police I said I didn’t know, that I was unconscious but I felt myself being carried.”

He then smiled and asked, “But why,”

I smiled and said, “that dragon was the first to care about me enough to help me, so I wanted to repay the dragon and the only thing I could think of was to keep the fact that it was alive a secret. So that’s what I did.”

He then said, “that sounds like you don’t have much of a life back home.”

I nodded as I said, “I don't. I hate my life, and if I could escape it I would.”

He then said something that surprised me, “Would you like to stay here and help me look after the dragons here.”

I smiled as I said, “I  would love that.”

It took a few weeks after that for me to fully heal but when I did, I began to help the man who helped me and who I later learned was named Lindel. Lindel taught me about magic once he figured out that I had magic of my own. He also taught me how to care for the dragons and slowly we became really close. 

After many, many years his son Elias came for a visit with his wife Chise. Chise was a kind woman who could relate to my story and we talked about Elias and Lindell. We learned together that they both were socially awkward and didn’t like crowds. 

As we talked I told chise,   “ Maybe Elias gets his awkwardness from Lindell, I wonder if they have the same sense of humor,”

Chise then said, “Elias has a weird sense of humor. He thinks me  being awkward is funny sometimes.” 

I laughed and said, “Lindell has the same sense of humor.” 

By this time both Elias and Lindell were walking up to us with Lindell saying, “Just what are you girls laughing at?”

I looked up at Lindell smiling as I said, “Just how much you two are alike.”

Chise the said, “ Now I know where Elias gets his personality from.”

Lindell then said, “I did raise Elias. He was bound to get some of his personality from me.”

Shortly after that they left everything went back to normal. I kept looking at Lindell all day the next day. Lindell finally had enough of me looking and not saying anything and he said, “What?” 

I shrugged and said, “ Just looking at how handsome you look.”

He looked surprised because I didn’t normally speak what was exactly on my mind.

He then said, “ really.”

I nodded and went up to him and kissed him on the lips. After getting over the initial shock of me kissing him, he kissed back. A few moments later we heard some hatchlings making kissing noises. I blushed but Lindell chuckled, looked at me smirking saying, “I look handsome huh,”

I blushed, nodded, and said, “So what does this make us?”

He smiled saying, “how about being boyfriend and girlfriend.”

We then dated for the next few years and even though I wanted to marry Lindell I wasn’t going to push it with him. I just figured that he didn’t want to marry me and I was okay with that because he was far more good looking and way out of my league than I deserved. If fact besides a few make outs sessions nothing had changed between us and that in itself saddens me. Elias and Chise were visiting one day, Elias talking to Lindell and Chise talking to me. We were walking across the field when Chise asked me, “Have you thought about ever marrying Lindell, Elizabeth?”

I nodded, smiled and said, “I have but I don’t think Lindell wants to. I would love nothing more than to marry him but I never have the courage to bring it up because I know he could do so much better than me. He could have any girl he wants but he chose me and I don’t want to do anything to mess that up.”

Chise nodded, and said, “yeah I understand that I feel the same way about Elias, but there has to come a time where you have to step up and take charge.”

I smiled sadly at her and said, “I have tried, like during our few make out sessions I’ve tried to take it further plenty of times but he always pulls away. If he doesn’t was to have sex with me he’s not going to want to marry me. I mean I have to pull teeth to just get him to kiss me. Nothing’s really changed  between us from before we were together until now. He doesn’t see me that way and as much as I hate it I’d rather be by his side than push him away.”

By this time I was crying and Chise was holding me, as she said, “Have you ever told him how you felt? Maybe if he knew how you felt he would open up to you as well.”

I shook my head, “I don’t want to press and risk losing him. I love him so much that I know I have to be okay with what he wants us to be and I know that's as friends.”

I didn’t know it but Elias and Lindell had walked over to us by this time and were staying silent listening to me talk. It  wasn’t until Lindell had spoken up that I realized he was there. 

Lindell then said, “oh Elizabeth I wish you would have told me how you felt sooner. I wanted to wait for our wedding night to be with you.”

I looked up at him asking, “our wedding night?”

He nodded pulling out a wedding ring, saying, “Yes I had to wait until Elias came with the ring but I was going to ask you tonight after they left but now is a good time I guess. Will you marry me and become my bride?” 

I nodded, jumping up and running into his arms. He put the ring onto my finger and kissed me on my lips. I of course kissed back and after some time our wedding day came. It was so beautiful. I couldn’t believe that the amazing, gorgeous man who saved me so many years ago was finally my husband.

-The End-

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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