Chapter 01

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It was in the middle of December in South Korea — so winter in Seoul slowly started to appear.  Everyday in the early morning, cold wind would rush through every house in the neighbourhood waking people up from their warm and cozy beds.  No one in the neighbourhood quite liked the winter chill but people didn't seem mind the crystal snowflakes that they manage to catch with their tongues.  It was winter break for all high-school and university students; teenagers mostly liked winter because they could escape the stress from school and finally get to relax for 2 whole months before it starts all over again.  I'm Jeon Jungkook, a freshman in university.  I started university early this year and I must say that it has been quite a ride for me; it is so different from normal high-schools.  Work is more stressful but luckily it isn't as bad as it seems — I actually made a lot of friends, friends that are genuine.  Life as a university student is definitely a step-up but I do admit that it is much better than a high-school student life.

Beep, beep, bee—

Groaning, I hit the top button of my alarm clock stopping it from beeping aggressively in my ear. I shuffled underneath the blanket covers to the other side of the bed to check my phone — barely opening my eyes I squinted attempting to look at the bright light.  My eyes dilated as my sight gradually gained focus on the bright screen.  My sight came into full focus to find out that it was already 11:30 in the morning — which I wasn't too surprised that I slept in on a Saturday morning.  I threw the covers off my lap only to get blown by cold and strong wind towards my bare chest.  My roommate was still sleeping on his bed so I tried to silently walk to the closet where I kept all my clothes.  Every morning, I always have the need to drink coffee to wake me up and since winter was coming; it was the perfect time to head to a café and have a nice warm drink in the chilly weather. 

I swung the sliding door open and scanned my closet filled with sweaters and hoodies — deciding on what to wear.  My eyes laid on my brown sweater and my baggy yet cozy jeans, I grabbed the hoodie from the hanger and slid it on myself already feeling warm by the fabric.  I hopped into my jeans being careful not to wake up my roommate; he hates waking up from a deep sleep more than anything and if I did attempt waking him up I would end up in big trouble.  To top of the look, I wrapped my neck with a scarf that produced warmth to my neck and of course I slipped on my trusty boots in order to walk around in the snow with ease.  I walked over to the front door and grabbed the keys before exiting the dorm.  Looking back, I double-checked if the door was safely locked before I left to ride the elevator down to the first floor. 

As I arrived at the first floor, I hopped out the elevator doors and walked towards the main exit where automatic sliding doors opened as I came towards it.  The cold wind rushed through my body and into the building as the doors swung open.  Shivering, I dragged my feet through the snow and walked on patches of ice being aware that one wrong move and down I go onto the wet ground.  There were many cafés around my area but I came to a conclusion to go to the café closer to my university which was placed just across the road — it would save me from suffering from the cold for too long.  I jogged with a steady pace to warm my body up and crossed the road to arrive at the café doorstop.  I entered the café to get greeted with a warm welcome by the lovely staff that worked there — I heard calm and soothing music upon entering. 

Walking over to the back of the café, I sat myself down on the soft chair and patiently waited for a staff to take my order.  Looking around the café I realised the other tables were mainly taken by couples who stared into each others eyes lovingly — I never had a relationship with anyone so I didn't know what true love and affection felt like and I didn't plan to know.  I scanned the big space of the café admiring how the café gave off a homely feeling but suddenly my eyes shot to a different direction.  I got caught off guard by one of the waitresses standing beside the counter, she was beautiful.  I admired everything about her — from her grey apron tied around her small waist, her plump lips, her glowing skin, her short hair; everything.  She traded me a glance and a small smile after her co-worker pointed out that I was staring at her.  Embarrassed, I shot my eyes to the ceiling as she now knew that I was staring at her. 

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