Ch 3. Laughing at the face of death

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"You're a VAMPIRE", Caroline declared, her lips curling into a knowing smirk, her eyes alight with triumphant mischief

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"You're a VAMPIRE", Caroline declared, her lips curling into a knowing smirk, her eyes alight with triumphant mischief. The words felt heavy, filled with an undeniable truth that sent Damon's thoughts into disarray.

People usually danced around what they thought he was, casting condemning shadows of 'monster' or 'demon' against his name, some even brazenly throwing around the title of the Devil himself. But vampire? That was a name seldom spoken as the first guess, reserved only for those privy to the whispered secrets of the supernatural world. Yet here she was, Caroline, a seemingly unassuming seventeen-year-old cheerleader, labeling him with such certainty that it bordered on intimate knowledge.

The smirk dancing on her lips was not borne of speculation—it was an emblem of insight. Damon's mind spun as he aimed to unravel the pieces of this unexpected puzzle. Whispers from the realm of the mystical rarely found their way into high school gossip, let alone into the ears of those who waved pompoms and basked in the glow of Friday night lights.

Caroline, the beacon of youthful exuberance, watched him stumble over the fault lines of his own misconceptions. She reveled in the blow she'd delivered to his ego, seeing the masked hunter within gauge her bounty. He had cast her in the role of the blonde bimbo, a stereotype so starkly contrasted by the shrewdness of her eyes that it almost sang with irony. The tables had turned and she held the upper hand, if only for the fleeting thrill of catching the predator in a moment of vulnerability.

"How do you even know that?" Damon's voice was a low growl, each word laced with a blend of menace and incredulity. His hunters' eyes drilled into hers, seeking an answer, a clue, a chink in the facade she had carefully constructed.

"I just guessed," Caroline replied, her shoulders lifting in a shrug so casually feigned that it could've adorned the stage. Under the weight of his gaze, she kept the truth tucked neatly away, a secret wrapped in innocence and hidden behind the veil of a well-played hunch.

"DON'T LIE", Damon yelled. He had a feeling that she knew a lot more than she is willing to let on. He could feel it in his gut. And if he has learned one thing from all his immortal life is to never doubt his gut feeling cause it was right most of the time. And it was that damn smirk along with the surety in her voice as she declared You're a VAMPIRE confirmed his suspicion.

"I am not lying", Caroline exclaimed. Okay so she was lying but he didn't have to know that.

"Enough of this nonsense", Damon shouted running out of patience.

Dilating his pupils he compelled her, "Tell me the truth, how do you know about Vampires?".

Caroline just stares at his face for a few seconds and then bursts out laughing.

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