The Fight(ScabiorxReader)

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After a long night of hunting down Mudblood traitors and wanted criminals, you went back with the other snatchers to the tents that was set up. When you walked inside, you saw Scabior, who was drunk, making out with another female snatcher which angered you to no extent. 

"You bastard!" You yelled at him grabbing her by the hair and tossing her out. After she left, you turned back to him to which he started yelling at you, calling you all kinds of horrid things. You had enough. "I'm done! We're done." With tears in your eyes, you threw your engagement ring at him and apparated. 

Scabior watched in horror at what he had said and done. He hated himself now because he ruined things with you. He searched everyday for you but with no luck. You had moved on for now but things got pretty bad again with that relationship. So you left.

Scabior wanted to make things right. He loved you. He truly did. He knew you would never want to see him again but when he found you crying in an alley one night, he sat with you holding you close to him as possible. Even through the rain, he stayed by your side. He listened to you talk and mumble. He held you when you cried, he held you when you were asleep. Through it all, you forgave him over time as he did everything he could to make up for what he had done to you. He even stopped drinking.

"Please put my ring back on?" he asked you as he was down on his knees again. You thought about it for a second, and then with a smile, you nodded. "Yeah. I will." As he slid the ring back on, things got a little heated. For you two, make up sex was the best. 

After that fight, things went back to normal somewhat. Your father split you and Scabior into different groups to hunt down Remus Lupin. A wanted criminal and werewolf.  So, the group you were in wasn't all that smart or strong. So, of course, you found Remus Lupin hiding in the woods. And seeing that others didn't want to help, you went after him by yourself fighting him on your own. He had pinned you on the ground near the Castle. Before he got the chance to scratch you, your screams had been heard and luckily, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle had been out roaming. They had heard your screams and came to help. 

"Hey!! Asshole, get off of her!" Draco yelled shooting a curse at Remus. He jumped off running into Greyback and the other snatchers. Draco helped you up as Scabior headed your way. "Y/N, are you okay? He didn't scratch or bite you?" He looked you over carefully. "No, he didn't. Not that I know of." You gave Draco a smile telling him thanks silently. Scabior had noticed the way you looked at Draco. He rolled his eyes. Jealousy took over him. He walked beside you back with Remus captured. 

Later that night, you had noticed a scratch on your leg. You sighed. You didn't know how to tell Scabior your leg had been scratched. You got dressed after a nice shower and walked into your apartment living room and settled down on your couch. Your eyes began to doze off. All you could do was dream of Scabior that night and soon fell asleep. 

The next morning, you woke up to sunlight pouring in from your window. You groaned and pulled yourself off the couch. You heard a knock and went to answer it. You saw Scabior come in. "Morning. Where were you last night?" You asked him.

"Went to hunt that Mudblood traitor down." He pulled you on his lap. His hands played with your hair. "Did I ever tell-" He glanced down at her leg. "Your leg." He looked back at her. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" He asked. You smiled nodding. "Yeah, I feel alright. I didn't even know  he scratched me until I showered this morning." You nestled your head against him. He kissed your neck. You moaned his name as you gripped the couch. He loved hearing your moans. "Moan my name, darlin'." He nibbled on your neck as he traced your ass with is hand. "Mmm, Scabior." You moaned. He tore the towel right off of you. And then he placed you on your hands and knees on the couch. The minute you felt his fingers slide into you, you  moaned more. "Oh god yes." You groaned. 

Scabior unzipped his pants after undoing his belt. He already had his jacket and shirt off. He leaned over you. "Are you ready, darlin'?" He whispered against your ear. You squealed when he slapped your ass. Then, without warning, he slammed into you as your moans filled his ears. "F-fuck yes!!" He bit your beck leaving little hickeys as he moved faster and deeper inside you. Scabior then moved into your ass taking you there. 

Several hours later, you both were laying naked on the couch breathing heavy. "God, I love you." He kissed your lips. "I love you too." You smiled back at him. You couldn't wait to marry him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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