{ Epilogue}

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"What's love mom?"
I questioned my mom who was folding cloths. It was a stupid question but I was at that age where kids asked stupid questions. My mom smiled a little, looked at me and stopped folding cloths.
"love is something you won't know unless you experience it. You know aaron, before meeting your dad I thought love is just a made up word. But he made me realize why people do crazy things for love. Love transcends space and dimension. love makes you do selfless good deeds. Love makes you altruistic. Love is an itch in your brain that you didn't knew that it was needed to be scratched. Love is like a dream but a dream that can become a reality. You might not understand it right now aaron, but you will, in time."
She was right, I didn't understood it then, but I understand it now, mom. Your every word makes sense now.

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