Ch1 - Euphoria

62 3 0

(TW: overdose)

My breathing shallowed. 

Lungs failing to rise and fall. 

The amount of oxygen entering my body was getting less and less and less. 

Without the oxygen, I feel my systems starting to shut down, making me feel drowsy and weak, like prey that had successfully been hunted down, and captured. I can barely feel the cold, tiled floor under my, now, limp body as it pressed against my skin, sending piercing jolts down my spine, utilizing the very little nerve function I still possessed. As I lay there, senseless, my pulse began to slow, my heart beating meekly inside my chest. ...Is this... death?... I thought to myself, letting my mind fall into the cold but welcoming embrace, greeting the familiar sensations as an old friend. My conscience swirled, the only thought clouding my mind was him. His face. Oh, his gorgeous face. His platinum blonde locks neatly draped over his head, framing his face beautifully. His mesmerizing grey eyes looking straight at me, luring me in, drowning me in the overwhelming purity of his soul. The figure reached a hand to me and pulled me into an embrace. ...This... Is... Perfect... I could feel the lean muscles in his arms as they wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest. I nuzzled in closer, pressing my body to his, feeling the boy's slender figure around me. ...He is so warm... As a lay, cradled in his arms, the subtle notes of lemon and amberwood filled my nose. The familiar fresh woody scent comforting me even more. The boy slowly pulled away after placing a kiss, softly, on my forehead. His cute little smirk stunned me, preventing any cognitive function at all. As my vision started to fade, so did the image of the beautiful boy. My heart sunk a little as the pale boy withered out of my head. ...Draco... Succumbing to the trance like state now, I began nodding in and out of semi consciousness. The clouded feeling in my mind getting heavier and heavier, as if trying to draw me down to the bottom of the ocean, only to watch me struggle around choking for air until the watery silence finally finished me off. The euphoric sensations ultimately took over and my eyes fluttered, coming to a close. 

(thankuu for reading loll, feel free to leave whatever in the comments and lmk what i can do better <3)

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