She Might Be A Perfect Fit.

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Samael appears to Lily in her bedroom mirror, he says, "Lil, Zakina is on her way, I hope that she learns some compassion while she's up there. I hope she brings back to the rest of her siblings and the subjects down there that compassion and kindness aren't a dirty word. They might be soulless, but they're still living, breathing beings, that deserve a second chance."

Lily agrees, "I'll soon have Zakina on the human diet and she'll be a different being when she returns, with gifts to trade with her siblings and cousins."

There's a knock on the door, Gabi answers it, stood outside is a woman she doesn't know, she calls Lily, the girl says, "this is my moms home, I'm her actual blood, I'm Zakina, I'm sure she would've made you aware of my arrival."

Gabi replies sarcastically, "nope, no idea of who you are." Zakina laughs, "well I know you, you're shagging my uncle, I heard you're a good lay. In fact the whole underworld does."

Gabi slaps her, then says, "don't be so crass." Zakina snarls, "lay one more finger on me bitch and I'll tear you limb from limb."

Lily hears the shrill tone of her daughters voice, Lily didn't rush to her side. Lily walked down the stairs, looking at Zakina with looks that would turn one to stone.

Zakina turns to the stairs, then says, "hello mother, long time no see. How long has it been? 600 years?"

Lily snaps back, "Zak, don't freaking start, I've still been there. You could've kept in contact with me, you had your father down there, your siblings and cousins, but you being the spoiled little brat you are, slayed three of your siblings. Three of the best children I ever had. Is that why you did it, Zak? Because I favoured my three eldest over a spoiled brat like you, I totally blame your father for that, he gave you too much leash."

"Where's my room?" Retorts Zakina.

Lily replies, "take the furthest room in the east wing, the further away from me, right now will be good for you."

Zakina heads towards her room, just as Rosa walks down the stairs. Passing each other, neither could keep their eyes off each other, Lily could sense the sexual chemistry between Zakina and Rosa. This gives Lily an idea, one she will share when the time is right.

Rosa, Lily and the girls are at the breakfast table, Rosa asks, "is that her, your daughter?" Lily replies, "yes, one of many, but this one would cause a war in an empty room, having said that, deep down she just wants some love."

Rosa says, "she seems intense, but don't mind my saying so, she is drop dead gorgeous."

Lily laughs, "yes, she takes that after me. The only problem with her is she has Azekial's ego and temper."

Rosa smiles, then says, "a woman after my own heart. I would like to get to know her."

Lily answers, "all in good time, she needs to acclimate to her new surroundings, it's been 600 years since she's been up here, her father ordered her home 600 years ago to separate us. I'll fill you in some day. I'm sure Zak will too." Rosa is intrigued by her new housemate, she can't wait to get to know her.

Later that evening, Rosa and Zakina met on the landing, Rosa held out her hand expecting Zakina to rebuke it, but she didn't she shook her hand and said "welcome to the family."

Zakina replied, "thank you, I've had more of a welcome from you than I have from my mom, you seem like a nice lady, how did you become mixed up with that old hag?"

Zakina and Rosa began laughing and Rosa replied, "it's a long story."

Zakina said, "well I'm here for a while, I hope to get to hear it?" Rosa answers, "you most certainly will."

She winked at her and they parted company. Zakina shouts down the stairs, "see you at dinner, I have to see my dad."

Zakina goes to her room, she calls for her dad, but she gets Samael instead.

Zakina asks where her dad is he says, "he's not in mood for communication right now, he's pissed you're here, he's pissed your mom has cut him off and he's pissed you killed your siblings, leave him to cool off and enjoy your time with your mom."

"Ok uncle Sami, love you see you soon?"

Zakina can't wait until dinner time, she gets to see Rosa. On the way down to the dining room, she comes across the girls, she looks at them and realised that they all look like Rosa. Zakina has always wanted a family, but given where she lived, she couldn't create one of her own. Many lesbians down there only slept with men to have babies.

Zakina didn't want a mans sloppy seconds, she wanted a beautiful woman, that is able to have babies without men. Zakina has always felt abandoned by her mother, given how long she has been on earth. The girls introduce themselves to Zakina, Jaclyn already knew who she was, she tells her sisters that Zakina will be around for a long time and she's going to be a lot of fun. The girls seem to love her. This pleases Rosa, maybe just maybe Rosa finds love after all?

Rosa is tucking the girls into bed, Jaclyn tells her that she likes Zakina, Jasmine says that she feels like she can trust her and Jennifer can't wait to be taught all the combat skills that Zakina knows. Lily sees Zak's eyes light up when she mentions Rosa, this pleases her. On her way to bed,

Zakina takes a detour to Rosa's room, she's just finished taking a shower, she is putting lotion on, Zakina knocks on the door and quips, "looks like I'm just in time, you need someone to put that on your back?"

Rosa blushes, "whatever will your mom think?"

Zakina takes the lotion bottle, she squirts some in her hands and rubs it on her back, she moves her hand down to the ridge of her behind, Rosa takes her hand and puts it on her breast, telling her that she has missed a spot. This turns Zakina on immediately, she strokes Rosa's breasts, in a very gentle way. Rosa takes her other hand, she guides it in between her legs, then she takes her own hand, puts it behind her head and relaxes hers on her shoulder, she raises her leg and places it on the bed, then she slides her fingers inside Rosa, Zakina feels how wet she is. Zakina spins her around, she kisses her on the lips, then she lifts up her top, undoes her bra and unzips her pants. Rosa slides her hand inside and she fell down on the bed and thrusted inside Zakina until she came over Rosa's hand. Rosa completely undresses Zakina, she slides her semi wet body up and down hers. They both slid into bed and lay and talked for hours.

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