The Beginning

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Narrator: In unlikely situations, opposites attract. Whether it's a friendship, a relationship, or a casual conversation; things can go wrong when two unlikely people become the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Take a look into the lives of high schoolers Harmony and Bella.

Harmony: Bell, what emoji would you use to describe me?
Bella: You know the two girls?
Harmony: The ones in the black?
Bella: No, the ones in the pink and red.
Harmony: Why? Because I'm your friend and twin?
Bella: No. Because I'll never leave your side.
Harmony: That really doesn't sound like you.
Bella: I know, but I mean it. You know coming to cpa, I didn't really expect to find somebody like you. We are literally opposites, but I guess opposites really do attract.
Harmony: Your pretty dope too.

The Next Day
Bella: I don't really wanna deal with anybody. Not Deshawn, Jesse, Sharnae. I'm really over them all.
Harmony: I understand. But you have me.
Bella: I guess.
Harmony: You really do. Just remember that.
Bella: Awe, I love you.
Harmony: I love you more.
Bella: I honestly don't understand what to do anymore. Do I follow my brain or my heart? Jesse or Deshawn? How do I know?
Harmony: You won't know. It's all about trial and error. Always follow your heart first. But don't leave your brain behind.
Bella: Does that mean attempt the both of them & whatever one "makes it official" first is the right one?
Harmony: Sorta. Either they'll make it official or make it easier for you to choose the other person.
Bella: This too much. So do I continue on this extra long tiring path with Deshawn? Or do I wish for Jesse to be done with Jasmine?
Harmony: I wish I knew what to tell you, but whatever you choose, I support you one hundred percent.
Bella: *hugs her* Thank You Harm.
Harmony: Your welcome Bell. But there's a headache coming your way.
Bella: *turns around* what does he want?
Harmony: I don't know but I don't expect it to be good.
Deshawn: Bell?
Bella: *ignoring him
Deshawn: Bell... you can't ignore me.
Bella: I can do whatever I want.
Deshawn: Why you didn't text me?
Bella: I don't text people with girlfriends.
Deshawn: So...
Bella: So I didn't text you just like I'm not about to be talking to you.
Deshawn: Bell...
Bella: What
Deshawn: You really gone be like that?
Bella: You really cuffed her like that?
Harmony: Checkmate. Let's go Bell.
Deshawn: Really Harmony?

*Harmony & Bella goes to their locker.

Bella: Why does he constantly irritate me? I'm not his girlfriend.
Harmony: Your not his hoe either.
Bella: Yep. But she is! *sees Sharnae
Harmony: Chill Out. She's cool.
Bella: I never said she wasn't but I'll never sugarcoat it. She's his hoe.. Well at least she was.
Harmony: Give her a chance. She's getting better.
Bella: For you, I will.
Sharnae: Hey.
Harmony: Heyyyy
Bella: Sup
Sharnae: Is she okay?
Harmony: She's fine.
Bella: I'll see you later Harm.
Harmony: Don't do anything I won't.
Bella: I can't promise anything.
*while walking to class, Bella sees Jesse and Jasmine. They broke up in the summer but Jasmine still hasn't let go.
Bella: ( laughing, thinking to herself) she's so stupid.

A Couple Hours later

*Bella is in class with Deshawn. She's uncomfortable but she's calm.

Deshawn: You ready to talk now?
Bella: Absolutely not.
Deshawn: Well just listen. You know I didn't mean to hurt you. And you know I didn't lead you on. I fell for you... And her. And I let what my boys would think get the best of me.
Bella: Deshawn, it's September. You got with her days before me birthday.. That was 6 months ago. If you didn't wanna be with her you wouldn't be with her 6 months later. And you would've apologized 6 months ago.
Deshawn: Calm down.
Bella: Get over yourself.
Deshawn: All I'm trying to say is that I know you still have feelings for me
Bella: You don't know anything.
Deshawn: If you didn't you wouldn't be so upset.
Bella: So
Deshawn: So... Text Me?
Bella: Whatever

Later That Day
(Bella & Deshawn's messages)

Bella: Why do you constantly want me to text you?
Deshawn: Because I wanna talk.
Bella: I'm not your bitch.
Deshawn: That doesn't mean anything.
Bella: Why we still going through this? It's obvious you don't or didn't have any intentions of a relationship with me.
Deshawn: I did. I do. But...
Bella: But what?
Deshawn: I'm scared of what people say.
Bella: Wym?
Deshawn: I have a reputation for being with girly girls. You aren't that.
Bella: And I have a reputation for beating ass. You need that?
Deshawn: Bell, calm down
Bella: I know the problem. You don't wanna see me with anybody else, so you attempt to keep my around. Well I'm over you.
Deshawn: That isn't true.
Bella: Bye Deshawn.

Bella texts Harmony

Bella: What if I said I liked somebody?
Harmony: Who?
Bella: I'm scared to tell you.
Harmony: Why?
Bella: It's weird
Harmony: Girl, Who is it?
Bella: It's...
Harmony: It's who?
Bella: It's uh Jimmy
Harmony: OMG, WTF
Bella: Harm!
Harmony: What?
Bella: Why'd you say it like that?
Harmony: Because like its Jimmy.
Bella: He's pretty dope & I think I'm gonna talk to him.
Harmony: You want me to plug you?
Bella: Nah, I'm going straight to the source.
Harmony: Wym
Bella: I'll have Ray to plug me?
Harmony: Why
Bella: They're "brothers"
Harmony: Ew
Bella: I know

The "Plug"

Bella: Ray?
Ray: Yes
Bella: Guess What
Ray: What?
Bella: I like Jimmy... Plug me?
Ray: I got you.
Bella: Thank You

*little did Bella know, Ray has a crush on her*

Ray: I told him to text you.
Bella: Omg, thank you Ray.
Ray: No problem Bell.
Bella: I lowkey really like him
Ray: I can tell
Bella: You dope...
Ray: I know I am...

*Jimmy and Bella's Messages*

Jimmy: Bella?
Bella: Yeah?
Jimmy: Ray told me to text you. Why didn't you just tell me..
Bella: I'm unhoeable... I'd rather have him relay the message
Jimmy: I wasn't gonna hoe you...
Bella: Well

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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