11. Hello

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We finally arrived at the resturant named Twilight Moonlight after about a 10 minute car ride that consisted of screaming the lyrics to every song and laughing together. The place seemed so fancy and I felt like I didn't look...well, good enough.

"You okay?" Vic asked me as I snapped back into reality.

"Yea. I'm fine." I assured him.

"You don't look like it. Really what's wrong? You can tell me." He said, draping his arm around my shoulders and giving me a concered, yet comforting  look.

"I'm just nervous. I don't think I look...presentably appropriate for this kind of place. It's so fancy and I'm just so...not."

"That's not true. You look ravishing if I say so myself. And I'm not just saying that 'cause you're my daughter. And I've already told you, you shouldn't be nervous. They'll love you. I'm positive they will." He said, kissing my forehead.

I felt a smile creep on my face and I just grinned ear to ear as I thought about how I finally have a father. After all the years of living without one, I have a father. Turns out he's not so much of a douche bag as my mom made him out to be. If anything she's the douche bag. She never noticed how much I hated myself, even though I hid it from her, any good parent probably would've notice. She never really cared. She was never very loving or kind. Never showed any compassion. Never...Well, now that she's gone I don't have to worry about that anymore. Vic is so caring, and loving, and such an amazing father, and I'm sure the rest of the family is the same way. I finally have my perfect, dream family. My ecstatic life is finally beginning and I just couldn't wait.

"I'll be right by your side. There's nothing to be afraid of. I promise." He assured me and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and then he began leading me into the restaurant. I took in a deep breath and followed, my arm linked up with his, as we entered the beautiful resturant.

There were fairy lights along every wall and dim lights over every table. It all looked so elegant and I felt so out of place. Like I wasn't meant to be there. I made sure not to show it though. I didn't need Vic to give me another lecture about how everything's gonna be fine. Don't get me wrong, his words are very sweet and meaningful but I'm gonna be nervous no matter what. Who wouldn't be when they're meeting new people that are their 'family'.

I looked around at my surroundings and saw lots of couples and a few families. To the right was 4 empty tables put together to make a bigger table. In front of me was a lady, in a fancy red dress, behind a black podium.

"Hello. Do you have reservations?" The lady asked.

"Yes, it should be under Fuentes." Vic told her.

"Fuentes." She repeated as she scanned a paper on the podium trailing her finger down the paper as she read the names. "Ah. Right this way." She said as she grabbed a notepad and pen, stepped from behind the podium, and led us to the empty tables I saw earlier. "Can I start you off with any drinks or appetizers?" I looked at Vic just as he looked at me.

"Not quite yet." Vic replied. The lady politely smiled and walked back to the podium. "I figured we should wait until everyone gets here. Introduce you to everyone and explain our whole situation right now, then we'll eat and stuff."

"Sounds good to me." With that I took a seat one seat from the end and Vic sat to my left, with the end seat still empty.

I just unlocked my phone and opened up tumblr. I scrolled through and came across lots of zodiac sign posts. I didn't even pay attention to any other sign than mine, which is Scorpio. Apparently I'm "not as evil as everyone thinks I am" I am "Jasmine the princess" I'm "actually a ghost" and much more. Tumblr. What can I say.

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