It All Started........

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MELISSA HAD WAITED patiently for her mum to come back. She was worried because her mom never goes out without informing her and left even before she could wake up. She sat on the window hoping to get a glimpse of her mum, she kept imagining her mum coming from the junction but each time it won't be her. The memory of how her mum would come back when she was little and how she'd run to hug her crossed her mind. How much she missed her in these hours. She couldn't think of a life without her mum.

Once or twice she looked at the TV which was playing mutely, this time she thought of going to watch it. She stood from the window, walked towards the couch, sat down, increased the volume a tad bit, then glanced at the wall clock hanging beside a picture frame of her mum. The clock just ticked 11:00 pm, gosh it was very late and her mom would never stay out late no matter what, she'd always warn about staying out late and the dangers. To top it all she didn't call either, and she'd called her for like the uptempth time. She just stared blankly with a lot of thoughts running through her head.

'Oh no what to do? Mum never stays out late. She didn't call either.' She thought ' she'd tell her if something came up and leaving so early. So not her.' As if something crossed her mind. 'Wtf.'

She rushed to her mum's room saw a side stool lying beside her bed, picked it up and dropped it in front of the wardrobe. Then climbed the stool reaching for the contents on the top.

As she was checking the contents a knock on the door jolted her making her heart skip a beat and the things on her hands fell off and scattered on the floor. She paid no attention to to it as she rushed down the stool and stormed out of the room.

She rushed to the sitting room where the TV was still playing. She made her way to open the door and there was a black out.

"What the hell!!" She yelled "Curse u guys always at the wrong time"

She tried tracing her steps to her phone or lantern but the knock on the door was steady and heavy.

"Just a second mum, let me get the lantern," she replied to the knock that wasn't gonna stop." Got it." She said happily when she touched her phone, turned on the flashlight and rushed to the door unbolting it before hugging who was at the door.

"Ooh mum I've waited so long for u, u're..." Before she could finish who it was pushed her in and bolted the door.

"Hey!" She exclaimed regaining balance," You ain't my mum, who are you?"she asked.

She looked at the figure in front of her. The back of someone probably a guy holding her door bolt dressed in, she couldn't even tell what sort of clothes it was but her mind rounded it up to trash. The clothes more like rags were stained in paint or is that blood and mud including his mud covered shoes.

Did a mad man just come into her house. She couldn't believe it. But she could feel this cold and dark aura around, like a shield hovering over him. And shit I hugged him.

"Okay? Turn around so I can recognize you next time, don't do anything foolish just turn, then unbolt the door and run." She said sounding like a detective.

She kept looking at the mad man who stood there then slowly turning around. Melissa was still staring at him but in a swift, she couldn't even explain how but she was facing the door with her hand twisted to her back by this stranger and her phone tossed away. As much she didn't want to admit it she was scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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