Chapter 35

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Justin Bieber
I had Selena move with me and at the same time I was moving Hailey stuff out I sat it in the back of the truck last of her stuff and I took a picture of it and sent it to her "If you not here by Sunday it's going to the dump" I texted and I signed the payers and added it in a box I had the truck till Selena move all her stuff in after that we went in "That's kinda harsh"Selena said "well I was forced into this marriage" he said "Yea I cheated with her but my Intentions weren't to marry her that was her family idea"he said he grabbed his phone then started recording he came to me "This as you all know is Selena Gomez my ex girlfriend the mother to my beautiful kids she was there after finding out I was a alcoholic I was so depressed because my mom didn't let me get signed to a record deal but when I met Selena I had a second chance Selena always been there and today I'm getting back with her and divorcing Hailey I was forced to be her husband yes I cheated on Selena with her but I'm so over Hailey I love my family and I signed the papers so I'm waiting till Sunday and if she don't come her things it's going in garbage" I said "So yea it's kinda harsh but blackmailing me to marry you because you know my secret isn't cool"I said after I was done some people hated me for how I did it and some people praised me for coming forward being a man about it "We love Jelena" was trending after getting Selena stuff in and Hailey stuff out we went in the house Jelena was playing with Jack on the floors he started crying because jelena took his pacifier I laughed I took it from her giving it back to him she started crying "Selena bring me her pacifier "I said she did and we hung out playing with the kids after we fed jelena and Jack then put them down for a nap I heard banging on the door I looked at Selena as she got Jack ready for his nap I went to the door I looked Hailey dad was standing there "Sir" I asked "Don't my sir me how dare you kick my daughter out this house" he said "Because I can it's my house" I said "I signed the papers" I said "We had a deal"He said "Well the deal off I came clean on Instagram so you can't put my business out there I already did" I said "You snotty little boy"he said "I advise you leave before I call the cops" I heard Selena say he let my shirt go and walked out "Thanks" I said "Oh no I didn't do it for you"she said "My kids upstairs sleep"she walked to the kitchen I followed her "Well the kids sleep"I said she grabbed the bread then went to the fridge "Yea so" she said "Well I was thinking maybe" I said "No"she said then made her sandwich then walked out "Why not" I said going to her "Because I said so" she said "That's not a Reason"I said "I don't want to fuck you alright" She said getting mad the grabbed her keys "Where you going" I asked "Out"she said "Where" I said "Justin I don't have to report to you" she said "what if jelena and Jack wake up" I asked "You can handle them for 5 minutes"she said "Actually" I said I was about to say "Oh my god you never been alone with them"she said "No Hailey was always here or Alfredo or the guards someone was always here" I said she looked at me with a look then sighed "Justin" she said rubbing her head "What" I said "I need to be alone for a min so please"she said I nodded she walked out I watch her leave I went upstairs to my computer I watched the kids sleep then I wrote some music after I got finished the door opened and closed then I seen Selena with a Bag of clothes she took the clothes out the bag and put them in the kids room "Are you okay" I said she looked at me she been crying "Hey what's wrong" I asked "I'm fine" she said "Selena" I said she looked at me tears came to her eyes "I cant have sex"she said "Okay I'll wait" I said "The last time I asked you too you cheated on me" She said "I know I'm sorry about it" I said "I feel like there's more"I said she looked at me "My lupus been acting up I been stressing myself" she said "My kidneys failing"she said "What" I said she cried "I'm gonna die if I don't find another kidney" she said after she finishes with the clothes she went to the bedroom she laid there "I feel like I caused this" I said "kind of is"she said "Babe what can I do" I asked she moved my hand off her "I want to sleep" She said I nodded I took my shirt off and cuddled with her "I love you Selena" I said kissing her cheek she smiled and kissed my hand that was holding her hand after she went to sleep I heard crying I went to get Jack he was woke crying "Okay mama sleeping so no boob" I said I took him downstairs and got his milk out the fridge we sat down in the chair just me and him "hey bud" I said watching him drink his bottle "I remember how I met your mom" I said "She was so Fucking gorgeous that day the way her hair moved in the wind she's like 5 inches shorter then me I love kissing her cheek she's everything to me" I said I heard movement I seen Selena going to the kitchen "Baby" I said getting out my chair I went to her she looked at Jack "He was hungry I gave him formula" I said "Okay"she said Jelena started crying "I'll get them settled you just go lie down" I said "I have jelena"she said "Babe" I said she walked off going to jelena room I took Jack to his room he was done I went to jelena room "Selena was struggling to take Jelena diaper off "Let me see" I said I helped Selena walked out after I put jelena back to sleep I went to the room Selena was crying I went to grabbed her and we just laid there as she cried

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