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Chapter One                                                                                                                                  

"I feel fine, mom."

"No. If we don't go now, we're gonna die. Come on!" She says angrily. She grabs my arm, and pulls me with her. A week ago, a Virus broke out across my planet. G-BLUE. It's been killing everyone. We rush into the room, with about a hundred others. My mom runs to the nearest empty station. "Come Zahara!" My mother shouts as she drags me along. 

I catch a glance at my reflection in the shine of a medical cart. My blue eyes shoot into the reflection. I realize how different I am from so many people. My mother has dark brown eyes, and I've never met anyone with blue eyes. We sit down at the station, and the woman there looks around nervously before injecting my mom with the immunity. My mother is instantly relieved. The woman grabs a new needle, and injects me with the immunity, but I don't feel any different. I glance at the woman, and see how her eyes look... wrong. Something's off with them. I don't say anything about it though, and my mom and I walk away.

When we get home, my mother seems calmer, but she doesn't speak to me. I ignore the thought. I run upstairs to my bedroom. I knock on the slot next to my closet, and a food bar pops out. I grab it, and shove it in my mouth. I change out of my normal clothes, and put on pajamas (Yes, we have pajamas on my planet) and go to bed.

When I wake up, I grab a food bar, and walk down the stairs to grab some clothes. I change, and begin walking up the stairs.

"Zahara." My mother says slowly. I turn around at the sound of her voice. She's walking toward me. Her hands are behind her back like she's holding something. 

"Mom?" I ask hesitantly. "What are you doing?" She just keeps walking toward me. She has a strange smile on her face that almost makes her unrecognizable. My mother hasn't smiled at me. Ever. My mother hates me. Why is she smiling? I take a step back, and stumble a little. "Mom?"

"Oh, Zahara, what's wrong?" She asks, her smile not wavering.

"Mom, you're scaring me." I step up the stairs, not moving my gaze off her. I continue to move backward. My mother continues getting closer. I take another step backward, but trip, and fall. My back hits the steps and I grunt in pain. My mother moves her hands from behind her back, and I see my fathers old cane. She moves her arms, as if she's about to swing it. It begins to come toward me, and I roll to the side. The cane hits where I just was. The cane is made out of glarinium, the strongest metal ever. I run up the stairs as fast as I can. I run into my room, an throw my emergency pack over my shoulder.

"Computer! Get me to Q'wen's house!" I shout, hitting the beam button in the process. My mother is running toward me still. She lunges as me, just as I beam to Q'wens living room. "Q'wen!" I shout for her. I see something coming down the stairs. It's Q'wen. "There you are, I don't know what happened!" She just walks toward me. Her hands are placed behind her back as well, and a smile sits devilishly on her face. "Q'wen?" She just smiles at me. "Computer! Shield!" I shout, stepping backward. I hear the computer voice respond,

"Searching voice database. Zahara 12. Confirmed." A phaser shield wraps around me. Q'wen rushes toward me, and begins hitting the shield with something. 

"Computer! Get me out of here!" I get beamed outside. I begin running. As I run, I pass people I've known forever. They all smile at me evilly, and begins walking toward me. I keep running. 

For some reason they don't run after me. They just walk. I run until I reach the school. No one is in here because it's Saturday. I throw my backpack over the wire fence before climbing it as fast as I can. Once I reach the top, I jump down, not even bothering to climb down.

I throw my backpack over my shoulder again, and keep running. When I make it to the track field, I run toward the gymnasium door. I place my hand on the scanner.

"Zahara 12. Confirmed." I throw open the now unlocked door, and run inside

"Computer! Lock all exits!"

"Zahara 12 does not have authority to make that command." I groan, and run toward the control panel. I open the rackity panel door, and press the thumbprint lock. I press some of the complicated buttons, and shout,

"Computer! Override!"

"Override engaged." I hear a lock noise sound at the door I just entered from. I sigh, and walk toward the bleachers. I sit down silently. Inhale. Exhale. 

"WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!??!!" I shout to myself.

"Hello?" Another voice asks. "Who's there?" I stand, and pull out my pocket knife. I see someone step into the gym.

"Who are you?" The person asks. It's a teenage girl. Her solid black hair is tied into a messy ponytail. I throw my hands up. My eyes lock with hers. They're a piercing blue. She lowers the gun in her hand slowly. Her face changes. She looks at me curiously, before shaking her head and lifting the gun again. She walks over to me, and pulls my hands behind my back. She holds my hand tightly in one hand, as she presses the gun on the back of my head with the other.

We walk in silence. She seems tense, but not as tense as me. I felt like my legs would give out beneath me any moment. I know where we are going, but I don't know why we're going there. The cafeteria. When we enter the large room, I see teenagers. All of them stare at me in terror. The girl walks me up to the front of the room. 

She shoves me to the ground, and I kneel beneath everyone's gaze. I stare at the ground, afraid of looking up. My blonde hair falls in front of half of my face. I don't fix it because I don't want her to shoot me. I see shoes step into my vision. I look up to see who they belong to. 

A teenage boy with messy brown hair. He has a chiseled jaw, and a little stubble decorates his chin. But the thing I notice first are his warm blue eyes.

"She's a blue." He says simply. I look at him in confusion. "Take her to the iatrics to make sure."

"Yes, sir." 

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