Muddy puddles (Last Chapter)

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After she got out of prison. Peppa went to her favorite place in the world. The pig mall, full of accessories for pigs.

She bought some gucci rubber boots with 6669$.

After that, she got home and put them on. It started raining. She got outside and looked at the sky. "The rain.."

She saw a muddy puddle. The rain stopped. And Peppa remembered about her family.  "I'm sorry........................."

Peppa looks down at her shoes"..I shouldn't have done that to you... I'm a horrible pig.."

She looks back up, this time at her roof. She climbs the stairs and goes up to the roof. It was 20 meters tall.

She looks back at the muddy puddle.
"Everyone loves muddy puddles.."
With that said. Peppa jumped from her roof  into the muddy puddle, leading to her horrible death.

Since that day no one ever heard about Peppa again. But some people says you can still hear or see her ghost near a muddy puddle.. so beware..Peppa might be watching :)

The Tales Of Peppa part 1Where stories live. Discover now