Chapter 7

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Amaya let go of all those feelings when she got back to Harry at the funeral. She cried and cried on his shoulder. She hated being normal. It made her want to lash out, and throw everything in her sight, but all she could do was stand there and and wait for it to all end.

Amaya told Harry her last moment with her Godmother. 

She remembered how her Godmother told her how she saw God in her dream.

God told her that it was time for her to go.

It was time. 

The next day, she only lasted through the morning.

“Then God took her,” Amaya told Harry with those exact words.

Amaya cried on Harry’s shoulder. Harry grabbed Amaya’s hands lightly, and kissed her forehead. 


Amaya fell asleep with sticky cheeks. All she could dream about was her last moment with her Godmother and Harry.

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