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"Wake up Riley, you're ok just open your eyes!" Stiles shakes me awake. As my eyes go wide I see him on top of me fighting against my trembling body. "Shhh, shhh, shhh you're ok. You're safe it's ok." he keeps whispering that to me until I completely calm down and my body is no longer fighting against his. I sit up and look around the room seeing the familiar posters and pictures scatter across the walls.

"Sorry, I thought I was getting better. Clearly I was wrong." I let out a quick breath and lay back down and slide over so there is room for him to climb in next to me. 

"Was it about your parents again?"

"It always is." I am looking up at the ceiling as I feel the tears start falling. I can sense Stiles looking at me then I feel his finger wiping away the tears.

"Do you want to talk about them? I know this time of year can be difficult." There is a moment of silence between us. I know he wants to help, but I have never been the best at sharing my feelings. I turn over and face him, we sit there just looking at each other for what feels like several hours. 

"I don't know how to talk about them. I don't even know exactly what happened to them."

"I thought they were in a car accident." He leans back and inspects me closer.

"That's what I was told but something always felt off about that night. I think that is why I can't seem to let it go, why it continues to haunt me but Alexis seems to be ok. Well as ok as can be expected. I know that it has been years and if there was going to be anything contradicting a car accident it would have been found, but my mind won't let me give up the idea that there is more than meets the eye. I know it's probably just the grief and I sound cra-"

"I believe you." Those words catch me off guard. 

"You do?"

"Of coarse. I want to help you if you'll let me." I don't say anything. What do you say to that. Not only does he believe me, which is a first by the way, but he also wants to help. Here I was ready  for him to suggest sending me to Eichen House when he surprises me by offering to help.  "Riley? Is that ok?"

"Uh, yeah sorry. I would love your help." He smiles and I try to return one but it doesn't reach my eyes which makes his falter. He brings me in for a hug and we stay like that until we fall asleep. Not knowing where I end and he begins. Luckily the nightmares stay away for the rest of the night. 


When I wake up I am startled to find Stiles still in my bed. I was sure that he would have gone back to his room once I fell back asleep. However, this is a nice surprise. I take in his features before waking him. It is then that I notice the bags under his eyes, I almost feel bad having to wake him at all. I want him to be able to remain this calm and peaceful for as long as possible. But because this is me he wakes up and sees me just staring at him. I quickly turn away as I feel the heat coming to my cheeks. When I look back at him he is staring at me and for a split second I could have sworn he was looking at my lips.

"Riley have you seen Stiles" Noah asks as he knocks and opens my door. "Oh I guess that answers my question. Now I know y'all know the rules about being in each others beds."

"Dad it is not what you think!"

"No no no we can explain!" we exclaim at the same time.

"You see what had happened was I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, because it's a well known fact that water is best when being drank between the hours of 2 and 4 am. Then on my way back to my room I heard Riley tossing and whimpering. When I walked in to check on her she started screaming because she was having a nightmare. So I woke her up and then we were talking so she could calm down. Now since it was almost 4 am we were tired and both ended up falling asleep." Stiles was talking a mile a minute, I could barley keep up and I know what happened last night. 

"The nightmares are back again munchkin?" The use of that nickname brings a smile to my face.

"Yeah, I think it could have been a bad one if Stiles hadn't come in."

"Ok well I suppose that does warrant breaking the rules. I'm glad that you're ok and didn't hurt yourself. Now the bad news is y'all still have school so it's time to get up and get ready." with that Noah leaves the room. 

Stiles gets up and turns to look at me, "I meant what I said last night, I want to help you look into your parents accident. We are going to do this at your pace and however you want. However, if it causes your nightmares to get worse I'm pulling the plug on this investigation. Nothing is worth you getting hurt." I am left speechless at his words and can't do/say anything as he leaves to get ready for school. 

Once he is gone the smile cannot leave my face. Today something felt different in the way he talked to me, he always cares but this was just new and I liked it. Maybe there can be something more between us, or maybe I am just seeing something that isn't there like I usually do.  I send Alexis a text letting her know that they started again. With that out of the way I get ready for school.


"Hey Riley! That top is gorgeous is it new?" Lydia asks as she comes up and links her arm with mine. Besides the Stilinskis, Lydia is the only other person that knows about my nightmares. As I look at her to answer she stops "Oh no, they're back aren't they." 

"What are you talk-"

"Please don't try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. The nightmares are back aren't they?" She whisper yells at me as she pulls me to the side of the hallway and into the girls bathroom. Once she makes sure it's empty she turns to me with expecting eyes. 

"Ok yes, the dreams are back." I feel my cheeks blush as I keep a locked gaze on my white converse. There is a short silence that fills the room. I look up when she moves toward me wrapping her arms around my body. 

"Are there any new bruises that I should be worried about?" she starts examining my exposed skin to look for bruises or scratches. I rarely make it through a dream without a physical marking to show for it. 

"Actually no there isn't. Stiles woke me up before it got really bad. Then we actually fell asleep cuddling and the dream didn't return." 

"Wait, have you told him about the fact that you have been in love with him since the second grade yet?"

"Are you crazy! How could I tell him that, plus I'm pretty sure he likes someone else anyway." Before Lydia can response the warning bell rings cutting our conversation off. As we head back out to the hallway I see Stiles and Scott walk into their class. As if he can sense me Stiles turns around and smiles at Lydia and me before walking into the classroom. 

"Ok, one we are not done talking about this and two he is so in love with you too." She turns to go to her class and I follow shortly after turning one more time to look at the door Stiles just went through. There is no way he could like me. Is there?

You'll always have me /Stiles StilinskiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin