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I've never felt more alone than I do right now. Sitting in a room with people who love me yet treat me like I'm a piece of fine china. The quick glances as they talk about things that don't matter. All I can seem to focus on is that strange man. Is he actually connected to these nightmares, or do I simply want him to be. Maybe it's because if there is a person connected to the dreams, they could stop for good. Maybe it's because I don't want to feel crazy anymore. Whatever the reason, I know I will see that man again. 

"Earth to Riley. Hello anyone home?" Alexis waves her hand in front of my face to get my attention. 

"Yeah yeah, I'm here. Sorry, what were y'all saying?" 

"You've been distant all through dinner, what's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?" I know she wants to help, but how am I supposed to tell her that I think a man I have never met, and have only seen once is connected to the worst part of our lives. 

"Nothing concrete, just drifting off. It's been a long day. I think I'm just tired." I feel their eyes stay on me as I get up and take my plate to the sink. They stay glued to me while I make my way up the stairs. I know I should let them in so they can help me through it, but right now I need to figure some things out on my own before I tell them anything. 

There's a soft knock on my door before Alexis comes into my room. "Do you want to tell me what is really going on? You might be able to fool Derek, but you should know by now that both Stiles and I see right through that lie you tried to feed us. So this time lets, try the truth out, and see where that gets us." 

I take a deep breath while I mentally prepare myself for what I am about to say. " Alexis, you know I love you, and I would not be who I am today if it weren't for you. You pulled me out of a really dark place. But this time I need to be the one to pull myself up." There is a moment of silence as we stand there looking at each other. "I just need you to trust that if it gets to be too much then I will come to you AND Stiles. I just need to do this on my own for a little bit, not forever but just for now."

"Ok." It is one word that means so much more. The weight of it makes me take a step back. Then as quickly as it became serious the atmosphere shifted again. "So have you told Stiles about you not so subtle feelings for him yet?" The sudden shift in topic catches me off guard. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that she is respecting my decision, it's just weird to finally be treated like an adult. 

"No, surprisingly enough I have not told the boy that I am currently living with, and who has been my best friend, apart from you of coarse, for my entire life that I have feelings for him. I don't know how they do it in the movies. How are you supposed to know if he likes you back or if he is just being your friend, it's exhausting. Lydia thinks I should tell him, she seems to believe that he likes me too, or as she put it 'he is so in love with me too'" 

"Well of coarse he's in love with you, have you ever paid attention when he is with you. You are the center of that boys universe. He would do anything for you." I stare at her with wide eyes, it's one thing for Lydia to be saying these kinds of things, but Alexis wouldn't play with my feelings. It seemed to hold more weight when it came from her. 

In an effort to not so subtly move on I decide to bring up a conversation that I know she won't shut up about. "Can we not talk about my nonexistent love life. How are things with you and Derek?" 

We sit in my room talking for the next couple hours. We stop only because Noah came into the room. "Hey Alexis, I thought that was your car I saw out front. How have you been sweetie?" 

Alexis nearly falls with how quick her reaction to him entering the room was. With a fast recovery she meets him half way and they embrace each other in a hug. From the  looks of things it appears like they both needed it. "I missed you Noah! Hopefully Riley hasn't been to difficult lately. How are things at the station?" 

I ignore their conversation while they catch up. I walk across my room looking back out the window at the stop sign. The strange man can't seem to leave my mind, there is something almost familiar about him, but I can't place my finger on it." I look up when I hear my door open.

"Well, I know you have school tomorrow and Derek and I have a decent drive back so I'll let you get some sleep. If you need me don't be afraid to come get me. Or if you want another cuddle session with Stiles you could always "forget" that I'm here and get him instead." 

"Alexis really!!" She closes the door and leaves before I can throw my pillow at her, a victorious smile on her face. I swear I love my sister, but sometimes she can be a bit pushy in the Stiles department. Although thinking about it, it's not too far fetched to believe that in the middle of a nightmare induced panic I go into the wrong room seeking peace. I'm sure Stiles wouldn't care too much either. Oh who am I kidding, I would be too emotional to think about boys and would go straight for my sister. 


I am engulfed in darkness, all I can feel is the wind on my face and I hear something following close behind. Based on the smell and the feel of the ground as I run I know I am back in the dreaded forest. I stop running and search for shelter behind a tree, I can hear my heart beating in my ears, beating what feels like a hundred beats a minute. I take in my surrounding looking past the tree to see if I'm still being chased. The coast looks clear so I make a run for it again. As I do so I see the black figure start chasing me again. Just as I'm about to  make it to the road and out of the forest I'm snatched up and forced back into the forest. When we stop I am greeted with a pair of glowing red eyes. 

I wake up with a scream trapped in my throat. It takes me a couple of minutes to get control of my breathing and to start feeling close to normal. When I look at my clock I am met with 4:36 shining back at me. Slipping out of bed I make my way down to the kitchen. When I turn the corner I see a shadowy figure. 

"Oh my gosh you about gave me a heart attack!" I recognize the voice immediately and feel my body relax.

"Stiles what are you doing up at 4 in the morning?" His body visibly relaxes too once I speak and we both head into the kitchen. As I am getting a cup of water he explains why he is awake.

"I woke up and couldn't stop thinking about the mystery man you saw. So I thought maybe a midnight snack would either tire me out or I would have fuel to begin solving this mystery. Now what's your excuse?" 

I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him about having another nightmare or not. I understand that he already knows I get them and that some can be really bad, but I don't like appearing weak. It is this hesitation in my response that gives me away. Before I can come up with something he pulls me into a hug. "You had another nightmare didn't you? You know what you don't have to answer that. Let's go back upstairs and get you back into bed. If you don't get more sleep you are going to be miserable for the rest of the day." 

We make our way upstairs and once I'm back in bed I expect him to leave, but instead he goes to the other side of the bed in order to  crawl in too. We don't exchange any words instead we just look at each other. I give a slight nod and he get in bed and wraps me in his arms. This is how we both fall asleep. I know that when I'm in his arms the nightmares don't stand a chance. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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