Chapter 4

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Silence surrounds us for about 3 minutes till I decide to say something.  "I want you to tell me about yourself, I find you rather interesting.".
He laughs then sighs.  "Well, for starters, my name is Adam. Adam Richard Sandler. I was born September 9th, 1866."."So young! " I say. He looks at me, confused." you can't be much older than me, you look so young!". I stare at him and smile." You'd be surprised.". He tilts his head in confusion then Mana comes back with plates. He served us corn, beans, pork, and buttered bread. Mana bows and goes back to the kitchen. I pour red wine in our glasses. "Tchin Tchin!".

The man starts laughing uncontrollably after shouting "Tchin Tchin". I'm not sure why, but I force a laugh to make it seem like I got the joke. Weird ass.  He pulls himself together then asks "Tell me, what do you want in life?". It was a sudden and odd question. "I lost my mother and father when I was 9. They died tragically from sickness. Having no other family members, my grandmother took care of me. She took such great care of me, but then it was I that had to take care of her. She's ill and I don't expect her to make it till next year.". I start to sniffle and hold back my tears." But for years we had worked together in her old restaurant back home in London. It means everything to me. Her dream was always to move to Paris and open the resteraunt there, but she will never live to see that. My dream is hers, I want to make it happen. In honor of my sweet grandmother, I want to open a resteraunt in Paris!".  He slowly smiles at me.


"No more of that, go on, enjoy your food." I tell him. He nods his head and starts cutting up the pork. "Gakuto".  He looks at me, confused. "My name is Gakuto, but please, call me Gackt. To be honest, I don't remember my birthday. But I estimate myself to be around 114 years old.". "Funny." He rolls his eyes at me. "Think about everything that's happened to you the past few days you've been around me. I'm supernatural, Adam. You can't deny it. I am what you call a Vampire." .  He shakes his head and looks down. He seems to be thinking to himself, accepting everything that has happened. "Okay." . He stands up. "I believe you.". I stand as well. "Why don't I show you around?" I ask. He smiles and walks with me through the long hallways. We walk so close that our hands brush together. I take this as an invitation to hold his hand, but he then pulls away to scratch his ass. I open two large chestnut doors then turn around towards Adam. "Welcome to the Theatre room." .

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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