Chapter 1

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A/N: hi! this is the start and how they met at first grade. 

if you got questions comment them down!
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The day of establishment, first day at school, Sonia wakes up really late, and notices the consequences that are about to occur. She gets up and instantly starts preparing for school. No time to fuck around. While grabbing her backpack, and putting on her FILA jacket (since she's a spoiled brat), mom, furtherly known in the alias as Lisa, starts up the car, screaming "Sonia, get over hea, you're going to be late darlin". Sonia starts running partially prepared, one sock being red, and the other regardless of being totally different colour, it's bottom part is entirely ripped. Sonia quickly hops on the , and drinks her morning hot coco.

Once arriving, Sonia proceeds to leave the car, saying her final goodbyes to mother Lisa.
Momentarily after, school starts, and school admission has to introduce the kids to one and other. Sonia then yields to meet her potential classmates. The first kid that she manages to come across and have a little conversation with, is Rihan*.
Rihan introduces himself as poorly and immaturaly as possible, being a casual 1st grader.
Sonia simply reacts by laughing, and is glad to meet Rihan, with his sweet attitude.
After the school's admission scenery is done with introducing the kids to one and other, Sonia and Rihan go to the snack bar, which is outside of the school's property.

Whilst the two were chatting it out, the bell rings and they suddenly have to rush as soon as possible back to class. Entering class Sonia instantly comes across a kid named Leon, and damn, she fancies him. Boring English class is over, and Sonia reaches out to Leon, and they talk about her favorite toy at the time. Leon then proceeds to speak about his social life, which slightly revolves around Rihan, his best friend. Sonia quickly comes to the conclusion that Rihan's friendship with consecutive best friend Leon is going to majorly increase her chances to get together with him.

A few classes go by, school is done, on a thoroughly decent ending,
Once Sonia arrives back home, she realizes what a huge chaos her household is in right now.
Step-Dad, furtherly known in the alias as Jacob, and Mother Lisa are in a huge argument, which intrudes house bills, and controversial rent.

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