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Mr.L groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. It took a moment for him to recall what just happened.

"Oh... Did I really just dive into a portal to try and stop Dimentio?" Mr.L asked himself.

He opened his eyes and sighed.

"Yup..." Mr.L muttered.

He was now sitting in the middle of a dark, marshy landscape in front of a palace. Jaydes's palace. Mr.L glanced around and began to panic.

"Dimentio?! Where did you go?!" Mr.L exclaimed.

He panicked for a moment until he swore he could hear his voice coming from somewhere close. Mr.L followed the sound up to Jaydes's palace. He peered inside and could see a VERY ticked-off toddler Dimentio fuming at Queen Jaydes.

"FOOL! I am the master of dimensions and pleaser of crowds! You should fear me! I need to be locked up in chains!" Dimentio squeaked.

Jaydes looked down at him with an almost tired expression.

"Child, I find your costume and impression cute, but this is no laughing matter. The man known as Dimentio is a dangerous psychopath. Please return to your family." Jaydes replied.

"COSTUME?! Waddaya call THIS then?!" Dimentio exclaimed, holding up the Dark Prognosticus.

Jaydes took it and flipped open the book to one of the blank pages he scribbled in.

"Awwww... Adorable coloring book, child." Jaydes chuckled, "Now, where are your parents?"

Dimentio snatched back the Dark Prognosticus and Mr.L decided that this would be a good place to intervene. Mr.L ran up and grabbed ahold of Dimentio.

"I am SO sorry ma'am! This little guy just LOVES to wander off~!" Mr.L exclaimed, acting like this was just a normal child.

Dimentio didn't like that. He squirmed against Mr.L.

"Unhand me, L!" Dimentio squeaked.

"Is this your child?" Jaydes questioned, "Those are some interesting costumes..."

"YES! Costumes! That's what we're in!" Mr.L replied, playing along as he slowly backed out of the place, "Now, this little trouble maker needs to get to bed!"

"BEDTIME?!" Dimentio screeched, "I HATE bedtime!!! No one tells ME when to sleep!"

Jaydes chuckled at him.

"Oh, children can be such a handful... Mine is currently with her father." Jaydes stated, "Make sure to keep a close eye on your 'Master of dimensions'! Hahaha."

Dimentio yelled in frustration as Mr.L took off running with him in his arms.


After Mr.L and Dimentio were well out of sight, Jaydes let out a sigh.

"Ah, children..." Jaydes sighed.


Mr.L kept running as Dimentio kicked and screamed against his hold on him.

"Let go of me! Let go of MEEEEEEEE!!!" Dimentio screeched.

Mr.L just ignored him as he tried to get as far from Jaydes as possible. All of a sudden, Mr.L dropped Dimentio, clutching his forearm.

"OW!!! Did you just bite my arm?!" Mr.L exclaimed.

Dimentio just harrumphed in response as he picked up his book and sat down.

"What were you doing back there?! Are you TRYING to get locked up?!" Mr.L demanded.

"Yes!" Dimentio spat.

Mr.L froze, not expecting that answer.

"Wha... Just... Why?!" Mr.L asked.

Dimentio floated up to his eye level.

"Well, I can't hurt anyone else if I'm down here, now, can I?!" Dimentio retorted.

He crossed his arms around his book and sat down on the floor. Mr.L glared at him for a little until his expression softened and he sighed.

"Even as a three-year-old, you still got better grammar than me." Mr.L sighed.

"Have. I HAVE better grammar than you." Dimentio corrected.

Mr.L grunted in frustration before sitting down next to him, both of them refusing to meet each others' gaze.

"You're really scared of your power corrupting you again... Aren't you?" Mr.L asked.

Dimentio only gave a small whimper in response.

"You don't have to be scared of it... It's your power." Mr.L stated.

"I'm not scared of it... I-I'm scared it'll hurt you..." Dimentio replied.

They both paused for a moment. Dimentio let out a small yawn and his eyes began to sag. Mr.L picked up the tiny jester and put him in his lap.

"You really have cared for me this whole time... Haven't you..?" Mr.L asked, patting his hat.

Dimentio held back Mr.L's hand for a moment as he took off his jester cap, revealing a head of black hair. Dimentio laid down in Mr.L's lap. Mr.L resumed stroking his head.

".....yes.....I have....." Dimentio admitted, "I-I just didn't want to admit it... But then it was too late... And you were gone..."

Dimentio sobbed a little as Mr.L continued stroking his head.

"It's alright... I'm here now..." Mr.L whispered.

"B-b-but you said that you didn't forgive me..." Dimentio whimpered.

"No... I forgive you... I just didn't want to admit anything in front of the others..." Mr.L muttered, "I don't know why I always let their opinions on us hold me back... I should just tell the truth. Especially if it prevents us from ending up in the Underwhere."

Dimentio giggled a little as he sat back up, putting back on his hat.

"I wish that I wasn't so tiny right now..." Dimentio murmured, "Otherwise I would give you a big hug..."

"I can help with that." Mr.L chuckled.

Mr.L picked up Dimentio and hugged him tightly, ushering a round of giggles from the small jester. Mr.L set him down.

"There. Are you feeling better now?" Mr.L asked.

Dimentio sniffled as he picked up the Dark Prognosticus.

"Yes... I feel much better now..." Dimentio replied.

"And you're not going to try to jump in the river or something, right?" Mr.L questioned.

"Ah ha ha... No, L." Dimentio chuckled.

"Good. Now let's bounce." Mr.L stated.

"How? I can't teleport myself..." Dimentio murmured.

Mr.L pulled out a return pipe.

"Where'd you get that?" Dimentio asked.

"Stole it from Mario." Mr.L chuckled.

Mr.L grabbed ahold of Dimentio and then used the return pipe, sending them back to Flipside Tower.

Dimentio And The Clash of Dimensions (DimentioXMr.L) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now