Chapter 1: Grand meeting.

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Today was the day.

The day Mikado could be careless about, but was curious as to who he would meet, and how to make their day just a bit less happy. Quite an evil thought, but that was what he lived for: either he makes people very happy with his rather impressive magic "tricks", or... He ruins their day with a prank, or just by being annoying and a nuisance to others. That's what he lived for, and he would never change a thing about it.

A small "ding!" could be heard echoing in the room. He took his food plate from the microwave and ate his rather bland-tasting leftovers from yesterday - mac n' cheese.

As he was eating, he was thinking of who could be there. He was certain a lot of his old classmates would be going to different schools, but there was one person who he knew would be there. 'I'm sure Nikei will be there', he grinned at that thought. He had been bullying that poor thing since middle school, but he really did love toying around with that boy's feelings. This time, Mikado will also take leadership of the class just out of spite for Nikei, afterall, him not being able to do anything about it is what makes it really funny.

As he finished up his meal, he brushed his teeth and washed himself. After, he took his mask and headed to school, although he really wished he was able to go by bus like everyone else, but that would be way out of his current budget.

'This is the moment of truth', he sighed. He wasn't sure if he was ready to meet them, despite his earlier mischevious plans, he still isn't used to the idea of having to see new faces. Once he opened the door, everyone was staring at him, but no one spoke a word to him until he had walked into the class.
"Hey, you must be... Mikado right? The Ultimate Magician?"

He turned to the voice. It was a girl, just a bit shorter than him, with dark yet familiar eyes, and long, white hair.

"Yep, that's me!" he said proudly, realising he didn't know her name.

"...And who are you exactly?"

The girl quickly responded: "Oh, I am Sora... I don't exactly remember my ultimate talent, but I hope that I could figure it out this semester."

'How could someone not know their ultimate talent or even forget it?' He was very puzzled, and didn't respond the while until the girl snapped him out of this thought.

"Hey.. Are you okay? I know it's a bit strange, but I really can't remember."

"Ah, sorry, it's rare to meet amnisiacs such as yourself who can't remember the most important detail about themselves. Truly, a pity."

A devious grin had been formed on his mask as he was holding the corner of his mask's smile with his finger. The girl frowned at him and crossed her arms. Instead of responding to his 'clever' comment, she went to talk to her other classmates, who seemed to have a great time with one another.

Not wanting to be left out, he seeked out others who were either alone or simply bored. He saw a group of people just doing their own thing, and along them, Nikei.

'Perfect opportunity to cause some misch-', his thought got cut off as the bell rang. Annoyed, he sighed and decided to take a seat between Yuki, a boy he had known since kindergarden and the green haired boy, someone who was quite cheerful, and everyone adored him and his purity it seems, but Mikado simply cannot find the appeal of him.

"Hello, students, I see you have been getting along quite well!"

As the teacher was looking at all students, she noticed Mikado playing with fire, not caring about anything going on.

"Ahem", Mikado didn't bother to look. The teacher, not wanting to give up that easily, went up to Mikado and scolded him for not paying attention and almost triggering the smoke alarm with his carelessness. He just smiled and leaned back on his chair, but decided to obey for the sakes of getting this day over with as soon as possible.

Angsty Love(Sora x Mikado/MikaSora)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora