Chapter 2: A Race to win.

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"Bzzzt", rung the phone. Mikado picked it up, only to realise that he's already late for his school day. In a rush, he grabbed his backpack, put on his mask and ran as fast as he could, as he had already missed 2 lessons. Thankfully, the next lesson was PE, so he could easily sneak into the crowd without being noticed.

Everyone was dressed in proper sports wear, but Mikado was in his regular clothes: a white shirt that reached up until his wrists and brown pants that covered his legs entirely. Everything else such as his tie, cape and hat he had left at the locker room before coming here.

"Why do we even have to do PE? Aren't we supposed to focus on our talent development?" annoyingly asked the little pink-red haired girl. She was very unhappy as she was practicing with her twin sister to perform very soon for the festival happening in a few weeks, which Mikado too will partake in, but isn't too worried about it as she seems to be.

"Drop the attitude, missy. Everyone needs excersise in their life! Without excersise we become weak, like noodles! And even worse than that, if we don't...."

Mikado already knew all of this and was sick of having to hear the same thing every single PE lesson he had by different teachers. The pink-red haired girl was arguing and trying to make points but didnt seem to succeed. While they were busy, Mikado decided to see if he can spot Sora.

Surprisingly, Sora seemed to be alone doing what seems to be like making plans, or notes. Mikado focused a bit more on what she was doing, and he was almost able to make out what it said, the words he was able to make out were in random order.

"Figure.. Ask him... Take..." was what he was able to make out before Sora tilted her head and hid her notebook while making sure nobody saw it. Luckily, Mikado was able to shift his gaze towards the teacher just in time, but he still wasn't sure why Sora was all alone, despite her making already 2 people be her servants. 'Must be a miserable life.' But as soon as he thought that, Nikei and Yoruko came. They both chatted to Sora and were way too friendly with her, to the point it made Mikado cringe and look away. 'Disgusting.'

"Everyone! Let's do some warm up excersises, then we are going to split up into teams to play volleyball indoors. Why indoors? Because someone had broken one of the school's windows last time, and the principal wouldn't allow us to play outside again. Now, go!"

And with that signal, everyone ran a few circles, until he saw Nikei and Sora walking together and talking to one another. He decided to slow down and jog behind them. However, they noticed him, so Nikei grabbed Sora by her wrist and they ran towards the end. Unsatisfied, Mikado finished his run too. As the last person, who was the brown haired girl from Nikei's friends group finished running, they all went inside for volleyball.

Mikado wasn't sure if he wanted to be the leader of another group since he knew that Sora will be the leader of her group, but he wanted to redeem himself and prove that he really is worth it.

"So, Sora.. Looks like we will be the ones to form teams. Good luck, you'll need it." He smirked, and to his surprise, she replied with a confident smile: "You might need it more than I do." as she already started picking, and decided to pick Nikei as the first guy to play with her.

Thankfully, since Mikado had a brain, he decided to pick the ones who were more experienced, longer and stronger, so he would have a guaranteed win. In his team was Hajime, Teruya, Setsuka, Kanede, Emma, Syoubai and Yuki. Sora was stuck with Nikei, Yoruko, Yuri, Hibiki, Iroha, Kokoro and Shinji. Confident with his team, he encouraged them and knew he will succeed at what he wanted from the beginning - winning. He declared the fight and shook Sora's rather warm hand.

The match, to his surprise, was quite challenging and very enjoyable. Sora and Nikei had a lot of teamwork going on, but whenever Mikado hit the ball, he made sure it was towards Iroha, who didn't have an easy time passing a ball in high speed. Despite that, the score was kept rather equal for the most match, but not being able to stand how yucky Nikei acted towards Sora, he passed the ball hard enough that it was going to hit Nikei in the face. But it didn't.

When Mikado looked down, he saw quite an unpleasant sight. Sora was on Nikei rubbing her head, assuming she was hit by the ball. The teacher quickly ran up to her and helped her get up. "You. Take her to the school nurse, now." Before Nikei or Mikado could protest, Mikado was already pushed out of the sports hall, with a slightly limping Sora who has her hand wrapped around his shoulder.

He doesn't usually feel this, but in a way, he regretted hitting her with that ball, maybe it was because it wasn't intended to be at her, but oh well. He brought Sora to the medical office and as he was about to go back she held him by his hand. Confused, Mikado looked back at a sad Sora, who seemed to be distressed about something.

"Hey.. I just wanted to say thanks for bringing me here. I would really love if you stayed with me here.. I really don't trust the school nurse, my elder class friends said that she sometimes does experiments on people so...."

Realising what she asked for and from whom she asked that for, she quickly said
"I..I mean I know you won't so It's fine I will-"

"I will stay, jeez, I really dislike PE so I guess this is a good way to escape it."

Mikado didn't want to admit, but he enjoyed Sora's presence. A lot. If he returned to class the most fun he will get would be out of bullying Nikei, but ever since yesterday Mikado found being with Sora the most fun activity.

Sora was really happy, so happy that she hugged Mikado suddenly and without any warning, repeating 'thank you' over and over again, poor thing must've gotten really scared. Mikado, not being used to seeing Sora, a really confident and smart girl, fall apart like that, it makes whatever he has in his dark heart ache just a bit more. He let her hug him, but him being stunned, didn't hug back at all, just stared and assured its not a big deal.

"You can get in now". Mikado opened the door, and Sora held his hand tightly, while entering the room. The nurse took care of Sora quite well, and thankfully whatever Sora had was easily solved with some ice. That being done, he unconciously still held onto her hand and walked to the class. Realising he was holding it, he stopped and wiped his hand, pretending to be disgusted, as he entered the hall with Sora.

Sora got instantly jumped on by Yoruko, who gave her a long and big bear hug, and Nikei who accomponied Sora to the nearby benches.

After that, Mikado kept thinking disorienting thoughts about what happened. It was something foreign, and unknown which he had to learn about, so when he exited the school by himself, he sort of hoped that Sora would approach him just like yesterday. Despite him waiting 10 minutes, he didn't get approached by her. She was with Nikei, the undeserving bastard who did nothing and atill got her attention.

Frustrared, he went to home. He wasn't going to let some man take over Sora. No, he was going to set her free. So once he got on his table, he was brainstorming plans to divert her attention from her friends to him. That day, he decided to make up for his missed breakfast and shower, and withour studying or practixing his skill, he went to sleep.

He will win this race, whichever that might be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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