I don't want you back

9 4 3

I'm screaming loud enough
for you to hear, turn back and stay.
I'm shouting at the top of my lungs
bcuz i don't want you to leave me
Like everyone else has done.
We were thirteen,
and i told you
that you'll regret talking to me,
I'm weird , you're normal
Two chemicals that don't mix together
and you said you like different,
I thought it to be the
wonderful start of our friendship,
It was, but i didn't expect it to
End so soon...
Forever wasn't done yet,
The promises weren't fulfilled even.
Its only been 4 years,
I'd made those walls as you walked away and shut the doors
nobody may cross the closeness
ever again!!


unspoken words||poetries ❤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz