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turn your words into wisdom

nothing lasts forever but at least we got these memories

every moment is a fresh beginning 

aspire to inspire before we expire 

reality is wrong, dreams are for real

never let your emotions overpower your intelligence 

die with memories, not dreams

oh, the things you can find if you don't stay behind 

tough times never last but tough people do

when words fail, music speaks 

don't you know your imperfections are a blessing?

whatever you do, do it well 

if i'm gonna tell a real story, i'm gonna start with my name

what consumes your mind controls your life 

yesterday you said tomorrow. just do it.     - nike 

let the beauty of what you love be what you do 

wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are 

the meaning of life is to make life meaning 

hate comes from intimidation, love comes from appreciation 

the time is always right to do what is right 

change the world by being yourself 

to like will be an awfully big adventure 

never regret anything that made you smile 

one day the people that don't believe in you will tell everyone how they met you 

i don't need it to be easy, i need it to be worth it 

everything you can imagine is real 

it hurt because it mattered

be so good that they can't ignore you 

what we think, we become 

and still, i rise 

dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today 

problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines 

try to be a rainbow in someones cloud 

strive for greatness 

have enough courage to start and enough heart to finish 

doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will 

happiness depends upon ourselves 

i would agree with you but then we'd both be wrong 

leg mir steine in den weg und ich schwöre, ich schmeiß sie dir in die fresse 

in der wut verliert ein mensch seine intelligenz 

it's not living that matters, but living rightly     - sokrates 

trauen ist gut aber kontrolle ist besser 

your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. it's the rest of your story who you choose to be

i know it's obscene in the real world, but who the fuck wants to like there 

joie de vivre 

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